Chapter 2: I'm Still Magical

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Star's POV

We are already in the classroom and Marco really looked pissed from earlier. The teacher wasn't here so we took the chance to do whatever we want, everyone of my classmates left the room. Its just only me and Marco.

"Hey Marco, are you okay?" I tapped his shoulder making him face me, I give him a small smile.

"I think yes... no"

"Huh? Why No?"

"I just can't believe Jackie actually say that to my best friend!"

"I'm sure Jackie didn't mean that"

"But she actually did "

"uhh.. Marco, what is she really talking about? That ranking thing"

"Oh, that? That means you're was from the rank no. 1 of most popular but you got in the most last rank when they knew that you don't have your wand anymore"

"Does that ranking thing really mean a lot to them? Well I think its a piece of garbage"

Justin suddenly came in to grab somethings in his bag. Maybe he can answer my question. I got near to him and poke him in the shoulder.

"Hey Justin, do you think that ranking thing is important?" I asked

"Yeah, by the way what do you think you are?"

"A magical princess from the another dimension" I happily reply.

"Magical no more, how can you say that you're still magical if you don't have your magical wand?" Brittney said coming out of nowhere with many other girls in her sides.

"What?? I'm still magical and I will prove it to you, all of you here in the campus" I said trying not to got angry.

"I will wait for you in the gym this 3pm and tell the whole campus" and she walk away with a sway of her hair.

"Star, how can you prove it to them if they only think that your wand is the only magical?" Marco asked with a worried face.

" I don't know" I said in disappointment.

"What?! You don't know? If your gonna fail with it the whole students here is gonna make fun of you"

"Whoa, so you mean all the students here I thought they are all cool but actually is just a fake? I... I.. I need to do something about it" I said with full of hope.

"Yeah, you gotta show them to be real and you can use your time later in the gym to tell them that" Marco said, he is also full of hope.

"But I don't know how to tell them that I am still magical"

I felt nervous, I think I will leave school early so they won't have to watch my failures.

"Don't worry I know you can do it, because you'll be always magical to me"

By those words what he said made me feel a bit more confident. I grin widely throwing my hands in the air.

"Ahhh, thanks Marco HUGS!" I wrapped my arms around him hugging tightly.

2 seconds passed I heard a clicking sound of a camera I turn my head and saw a phone coming from the door, I stop hugging Marco and look at the person but he or probably she ran away.

"Marco someone just took a picture of us" I said pointing outside.

"Oh God please no" Marco ran after that person leaving me alone in the room.

Marco's PoV

If that picture will posted in the internet people will think me and Star are couples the worst part is Jackie will also believe it too. I must delete that picture before the bell rings.

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