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I should name this part as "Author's Resurrection."

Anyway, as you may know, I am killing this account and if you miss and love my writing you better go to my active account AoTulipRose.

I already have two other fan fictions posted: Miraculous Ladybug and Cat Noir; Royal Tutor Heine
If you love those two shows then check it out especially Miraculous. That will be ending in September 2020 (No definite date because of how exhausting online class is but it will be September.)

So? Why I am killing this account? It's because of this story, I feel very cringy reading what my 13-14 year old self wrote. (Now you understand why there are so many grammatical errors and another factor is that English is not my first language.)

I hate my writing in here, not the story in general but my writing. Maybe a little bit on the story too but I don't remember the story that much anymore and I don't want to read it since my embarrassment might kill me.

I wouldn't have opened this story again if it wasn't for BernicetheBrownie. I love you. I thought this story was rotting to its death not until your comments keep popping out in my notification that I had to open this. I enjoyed your comments and thank you for enjoying the story.

I read back all the comments and it was super fun that I decided not to also delete this story too because if you enjoyed and love this, I am sure that someone out there will also experience the same thing about this story.

I am glad that a lot of you liked the idea of a story having multiple kinds of endings which I got the idea from visual novel games.

What lead me to give this story a multiple ending in the first place?

Would you like to know the answer? If so the the reason behind it is because I did not actually have an ending for this. I asked my lovely friend on what should be the ending and she said that she wants Star and Marco to get married (Real Ending). However, I was a bitter human being back then and does not like happy endings that much (Bad Ending). Then, one of my other friend suggested that I should make a sequel so I constructed the "Good Ending" in case a time comes that I'll consider the idea.

Multiple ending stories may no longer appear in my future works because I'll only use it if I don't have any ending.

Once again, if you liked this story then check out my other fan fictions on AoTulipRose.

Thank you very much.
I love you for reading this and I am sorry because I made you read this garbage.

Stay safe.

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