Chapter 16: Last Visit Part 4 (Last Kisses?)

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Star's Pov

I woke up by the sun rays from the window pane hit my eyes. I got up and stretched my body. I looked to the right corner of the room and found a sleeping Marco laying on the big mattress on the floor we all slept on.

This is it Star. You need to tell him or you'll break his heart again much worse than before.

I stand up on my feet and walk towards Marco avoiding the other sleeping persons. I safely succeed and shake Marco's body.

"What is it Star?" He asked still half asleep.

"Let's walk outside. I need to tell you something" I said to him. He nodded and got up.

We walk out of the house and start walking. We were silent at first but he broke it.

"So what is it you need to say?" He asked.

My face frown, afraid of telling him. I open my mouth but no words came out.

"Hey don't frown, you can tell me everything" he said smiling.

I'm sorry for ruining your precious smiles. I thought.

"I'm gonna be married" I said quickly.

"What? But to whom?" He asked turning his smile to anger.

"To a prince from another dimension called Aquilla. My mother forced me to, I don't want to but I can't do anything. It's just I want her to be proud at me atleast to the thing she always wanted." I said about to cry. "I first thought when I first arrived here that you'll understand that I can't stay here because I'm not a human"

"I also thought I'll understand but I just can't. I can't understand that we can't be together" he said with a low voice.

"I really want to be with you" I said stopping at my track, he also did.

"I want to be with you too" he said hugging me tight. "I love you Star"

"I love you Marco" I said with tears starting to fall down. He rubbed my back.

"Let's go back now, maybe they're all awake. They might look for us" I said wiping my tears away. He then let me go.

"Yeah, they might think weirder things to us" he said making me laugh. We started walking back.

"Yeah. Do you think this is a proper goodbye? I mean is this better than last time?" I asked.

"I don't know, I think yes. I mean it's proper than last time but the pain is still the same"

"I'm sorry even that words are not enough to heal"

"Don't mention it"

We got back talking about random things. We enter the house finding that everyone's faces are down.

"What happened here?" Marco asked.

"I told them B-fly, about Nick" Pony said.

"And we kind of heard your conversation" Stephanie said showing a speaker like device.

"I attached a mini microphone on Marco last night because I thought he'll do something embarrassing but just to hear your conversation" Janna said.

"We're very sorry my son and Star" Mr. Rafael said.

"Hey, I don't want to see sad faces" I said forcing a smile.

"Star, I can talk to Nicholas if you want. Wait! I know you'll never let me so I'll just go" Pony said hopping to another dimension.

"It's not necessary Po-" I said to Pony but the portal closed. "It's really sad to know that there are things you can't change" I said with my head down.

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