Chapter 11: The Broken Hearted Show Up

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Star's PoV

The day before the play, one of the original step sister recovered from sickness and join the play again i think her name was Rebecca. Stephanie is not needed in the play and she's fine with it.

The play was a success, the principal and other audience loved it.

"Star, congratulations for your success on the play. Sorry if I was not able to watch it. I was busy for doing something" Stephanie said apologizing.

"Oh it's fine, don't worry" I said "so you and Jackie are best friends now?"

"Yeah, it's fun to be with her"

"I was just wondering about Jackie, I looked at her future and it appeared to be two possibility of her future. The first one is her with a boyfriend or something and the second is her crying with a pictures of me with scratches."

"Oh, the second one happen a week ago"

"What? So that means she hate me?"

"No, not anymore. I told her something and explained why she shouldn't be angry at you"

"Oh thanks" and I sigh in relief.

(Two months later)

Me and Marco are in the classroom with my classmates. We were just sitting since the teacher has no mood on teaching us.

"Special announcement" the speakers said breaking the silence. "Only three weeks to go before your most awaited day the end of school day" he paused for a moment and a sound of a paper can be heard "Now for the announcement. You all will vote one boy and one girl to become the school's King and Queen. The winners will be announce on the farewell party."

"You already know who to vote right? Vote Brittney Wong. If you don't just wait what I can do for you" Brittney said crossing her arms.

"Brittney, I will vote you" I said giving her a smile.

"You should" she reply.

It's not that Brittney is nice towards me but I'm sure that she's nice deep deep deep deep inside. I turn my attention to Marco that was murmuring something.

"Who will you vote Marco?" I ask as I interrupt him.

"I don't want to be secretive but no one must know who I vote" he said. I just smile in reply. "How about you? Who will you vote"

"You and Brittney" I answered.

"Me? Why me" he asked blushing.

"Well" I said looking at the other directions to hide my blushing face from him "It's because (I love you) your my best friend" I exhale.

"Yeah, I see" he reply.

"Write the names on any paper and drop it in this box." The teacher said putting a brown medium box on her table.

"I'm gonna vote myself" Justin yell.

"Is that even allowed?" Sabrina asked the teacher.

"The principal only said one boy and one girl he didn't said it's not allowed to count yourself" teacher reply. "But it's really up to you if you really want someone else to win"

I scratch one page of my notebook and write
Marco Ubaldo Diaz- King
Brittney Wong-
Wait? Why am I stopping from writing the word? Somehow there's a side of me that is 20% saying to nevermind it and just write Brittney as Marco's Queen. While the 80% is saying that I wanted to be his Queen.

"What am I thinking?" I whisper to myself and just join the 20%.

"Star? What did you whisper to yourself?" The girl that sat behind me said, obviously it's Stephanie.

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