-Chapter 4: Let's see the future

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Star's PoV

"Why would you ask that question? " I asked totally turning red.

"I'm, just asking cuz maybe you loved him that much"

"Of course........... No" I said looking directly to her eyes back.

"So you mean like no that not at all or nothing? "

"Yeah, I loved Marco as my best bestie and also I had a question, do you like him?"

"Umm, well, I, I, it's actually, okay I-"

(Bell rings)

"Do you hear that? I need to go to my next class Star, see you" she said hurrying.

That seems she do have a crush on Marco, she just saved by the bell how lucky. I can't wait to tell Marco. Now where is he?

"Star, you heard the bell come on we need to hurry to go to our next class" Marco said pulling my right hand.

"Ooohhhh, what is our next class?" I asked excitedly

"Umm, arts"

"Yepey, I cant wait to paint." I said.

(Time skip: going home)

"Hey Marco, if Jackie will like you back the same like you feel to her, what will you feel?" I ask smiling sitting next to him in the school bus.

"I will burst out from joy, why did you ask? Did she say something to you?" He asked blushing a bit.

"No and maybe"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I mean no cause she didn't say anything and maybe cause I think she gave me a hint"


"Well she asked me a ton of question and well that makes me think she also like you"

(Time skip: night making homeworks)

"Marco!!!!" I scream

"What Star? you can just totally talk properly do not scream cuz were are actually 8 inches away"

"Sorry, what is this sign that you all called pie and how can I multiply them to 5?"

"Yeah your right that sign is called pi and it is 3.14 so you multiply 3.14 to 5, did you got?" He explain with his arms around him.

"Yeah, there is one more question. What is multiply?"

"Star I gave you the multiplication table, you can just look at it"


"Star I told you alrea-"

"Do you like me?" I interrupted him. I'm just curious if he also like me as a best bestie.

"Well, Star I think I cannot answer your question" he said looking down to the floor

"Why you hated me? You don't like me as your best bestie?"

"Oh you mean in that way? I don't hate you Star I just thought that you mean the other like meaning" he said scratching his hair back.

"Why would I asked the other meaning if I don't know what you guys talking about" I said totally putting a smile. "I wish I can see the future"

"Why don't you use your dimensional scissor and go to the future dimension? " he said reading his book.

"Of course" I grab my dimensional scissor in my purse and cut a rip in the thin air and a portal open "Come on Marco" I grab his right arm and jumped in the portal.

And were here. This place is shiny many shiny balls are floating and there's a computer in the center of this place.

"Star you can go on your on, you know" Marco said while standing up

"I know, but it is more fun if I got with me my best bestie" I said while poking him.

"Why do you want to come here anyway?" He asked.

"I just want to see Jackie's future" then 2 shiny balls float towards me.

"Oh look it's Jackie"

The first balls is showing that Jakie is so very happy with someone that is really looked familiar but the boy seemed not happy. The second ball is showing that she is crying with a scratched picture of... wait that's my face.

"This 2nd ball is scary" I said in horror.

"Hey Star, look! It's my face" Marco said staring at the other balls. I come near it.

It's showing that Marco is receiving a black belt in karate but it is not showing what is Marco's expression.

"Wow, congratulations Marco" I said patting his back. He is smiling like no tomorrow.

"I want to see Pony Head's future 10 years after." I shout. Then a ball came near me.

It is showing that Pony Head is having a very awesome party.

"Wow, her future is cool" I said.

"How about your future Star, don't you want to see it?"

"No, I don't wanna be spoiled to myself" I said turning at my back cutting a portal to go back.

When we arrived I directly straight to my bedroom and have a wonderful dream.

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