Chapter 9: Questions That I Want To Know The Answer.

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(One week later)

Marco's PoV

I've been thinking about Jackie's friend situation it's almost like mine. I wanted to tell Star that I love her but she said she's not having any idea about going on relationship after Tom.

~space unicorn~

I immediately answered my phone before the ringtone will got louder enough for Star to hear it.

(On the phone)

Marco: hello? Who is this?

Creepy voice: it's your worst nightmare.

Marco: Hey creep, delete my number you jerk and don't ever call me.

Girl's voice: I'm just kidding, It's me Stephanie.

Marco: What do you want?

Stephanie: I just call to cancel the match.

Marco: What do you mean match?

Stephanie: You mean you just forgot our deal?

Marco: Yeah, I totally forgot about it. Wait if your canceling it that means you will ruin me.

Stephanie: no, I found a best friend so I will just ruin you on my best friend. Bye.

(She off the call)

"Yes! " I exclaim through the house.

Star's PoV

"Star I'm just calling you for your daily reminder to behave like a queen" my mom said her everyday line on my mirror.

"Yes mom, I know. You were saying that everyday" I reply.

"That's because you won't do it unless I'll tell you"

"You know that I can do so much here on earth"

"I don't know that"

"Fine... Mom what's up with the wand?"

"Well Glossaryck said that he don't know much about it but he told me that you can just make one spell in one day to keep safe"

"I hope it's just fine" I murmured.

"So Star do you have any news for me about your school?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that I'm the main character of a play. It's a cool earth story"

"That sounds wonderful and I hope you won't cause any trouble"

"I haven't cause any trouble here ever since I got here"

"I hope it's true, well goodbye for now. Your father should be here by now from his lecture" Mom said before she disappear from the mirror. I let out a smirk when she said her last sentence.

"Yes!" I think it's Marco's voice.

I ran to the living room to check on him. He was sitting on the couch hugging his phone. I came near him and sat next to him.

"So Marco, what's up? You look very happy" I ask him with a smile.

"Oh it's nothing, I just uh well" he said blushing while putting his phone in his pocket.

"So? What is it." I ask again.

"Well, it's just Alfonso and Ferguson will come here this 3 to eat nachos" Marco said avoiding an eye contact.

"Wow, that sounds fun. Can I join you guys because I loved your nachos"

"Of course you can join" Marco said staring to my eyes.

I smile and he smile back. Silence filled the atmosphere. I can feel this weird feeling that makes my heart pounds so fast. Then I can also feel my face heat up and turned red, we both turn around and I cover my face with my hair.

What is happening to me? Why am I getting nervous to my best friend? What is this weird feeling that makes my heart happy? I don't know what's wrong with me.

Wait I read this before on a magazine, this what most of human will feel when their in love. That means, I love Marco.

"Star, can I ask you some questions?" Marco said breaking the silence.

"What kind of questions? " I ask facing him.

"Well it's the questions that I want to know the answer" he said avoiding an eye contact again.

"Su-sure" I said feeling myself again blushing.

"Do you really mean it when you said that you won't get any idea about having another love life after Tom?"

"Well, maybe yes and no" I answered nervously.

"What do you mean?"

"Yes, because I may not have not get another and no because I love someone you know" I said as I feel a sweat on my forehead.
"Who is it? Oscar?" He ask with a little upset on his face.

"I must confess that I was so stupid having a crush on him. He doesn't even know I exist. Or atleast think that I'm cool. But it's not him" I said smiling. Marco sigh.

"Star, Can I ask what do you like about me? " he said blushing.

"To be honest, pretty much everything. How about me? What do you like on me?" I ask on curiosity.

"Well actually, everything too" he said smiling.

I don' knowt why I didn't notice it before but his so cute smiling.

We stared at our eyes. Slowly leaning our faces closer.


"We're here for nachos!"

I immediately turn away and cover my tomato face.

"Ferguson dude, I think we just ruin something" Alfonso said stepping away.

"No, you were not and were not doing anything" Marco excuse nervously.

"But we totally saw it, you two were about to muah" Ferguson said crossing his arms.

"No, I have no idea what is 'muah'" I said nervously. "We were just playing you humans called 'the staring contest'" I lie.

"Yeah, she's right" Marco agreeing with me.

"But I think turning your faces as red as the blood was not in the rules" Alfonso said look disgust.

"Well, that's because you scared us. Who wouldn't turn red if you got surprise"

"Fine, where's the nachos?" Ferguson said changing the topic.

"It's on the table" Marco said pointing at the table. "I'll go get it"

Marco stood up and get the nachos. We all eat nachos and talking and totally didn't mention what happened earlier.

A/N: I was laughing so hard typing this chapter. Alfonso and Ferguson are total bummer.

I hope you enjoy this chapter like I did and don't forget to hit vote and comment.

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