Chapter 16: The Last Visit Part 1 (Clean The Lie)

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Star's PoV

If only Pony Head will allowed me to cry, I'll do it earlier. She really know what I want.

We both stepped into the portal and slowly saw the Diaz's house.

"He also want to see you so bad, even other EarthLinks do" Pony said rubbing my shoulders.

We run towards the house. It hasn't change a bit, well except my room is gone. I ring the door bell. A very familiar woman opened the door.

"Star? Is that you?" The woman asked.

"Yes it's me Mrs Diaz" I said smiling.

"Oh my goodness, Star you grew so beautiful"


"We should have a celebration. Honey! Come here quick" Mrs. Diaz said as she called her husband.

A very familiar man approach with a gentle smile.

"Oh I can't believe it, what a wonderful surprise. Star welcome back" Mr. Diaz said.

"Thank you very much Mr Diaz" I reply with a smile.

Both Mr and Mrs Diaz whisper privately, later on they join Pony Head with them. They end the conversation with nodding.

"What did you guys talked about?" I asked in curiosity.

"We talked about you. They asked me to show you your other earth friends you missed" Pony Head said pushing me outside the house.

"That sounds great!" I exclaimed.

"Tell me who you want to meet first"

"Hmmm... Stephanie lived closer, let's start with her"

"S-sure" she response a bit nervous.

I just ignored it and start walking. I noticed that something changed in the place. Like there's a mini grocery store, more houses, more people, another park, some houses were gone and changed into a building and vending machines.

I stopped in front of where I believe is still Stephenie's house. Her house change a lot. There's a lot of cctvs in every corner, higher walls around the house and I believe there are some invisible alarms.

"You know something going on about her?" I asked Pony Head.

"Maybe?" She answered nervously.

I thought that Stephanie won't have time to let us in. I pull out my wand and make a teleporting spell.

We appear in a room that is full of electronic devices and someone was staring on it. It's Stephanie.

"Stephanie Jones? Is that you." I said poking her.

She slowly turn around to face me. Her face slowly turned very surprise.

"Oh my gosh, Star Butterfly?" She exclaim while hugging me. "Why did you left without telling us? You didn't say goodbye properly. Don't do it again" she said like a mother.

"I know, don't worry I will do it properly this time" I response with a smile.

"Your gonna leave again?" She asked sadly.

"Yes, since I'm a Mewman and not a human." I answered.  "By the way this is my best bestie on Mewni, Flying Princess Pony Head" as I change the topic and introduce Pony Head.

"Hello. You have a very strange name because your not flying or look like a pony or just a head" as she talk to Pony Head.

"W-well, I-I used to be. Bu-but, we pony heads on Mewni turned into a M-mewman when we turn 16" Pony Head explain nervously.

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