Post Civil War

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Days. Months. Years passed on. Thousands of innocent souls lost. Thousands of broken pieces shattered on the ground. Yet, they still managed to get through all of the pain and suffering.

After carefully tucking a piece of hair that was loose on her daughter's face, Natasha continued to walk along with Sarah, through the meadow.

"Mommy look! A pretty flower for you," she plucked a forget-me-not off the ground. "A pretty flower for Daddy," she plucked a buttercup, "And a pretty flower for James." She plucked a daisy for her older brother.

Natasha smiled. "That's beautiful, sweetheart." She said, taking the small forget-me-not. It was one of her favorites.

You see, ever since the Civil War, the Captain and the Widow had re-kindled their broken friendship that was split apart during the battle.

"I'm really sorry, Steve. If I hadn't chosen Stark, this wouldn't have happened to you." Natasha told the Captain, with tears streaming down her face. Her hands were sweaty and shaking. But that didn't stop Steve grabbing them and squeezing them tightly.

"Tasha. Don't blame yourself. You were just doing what was right. Please, don't blame yourself, please." Steve begged with his pleading blue eyes. Natasha smiled weakly, her cheeks were tear-stained. Green eyes all glassy.

It was a few hours since the Civil War had ended. Captain America had cuts, bruises, four bullet shots on his shoulder, leg and stomach and a black eye. He was taken to hospital, as soon as Natasha and Bucky had started to tear up.

It was at that moment, where Tony realized what mistakes he had done. He had hurt one of his very best friends.

Right now, he was in a hospital room, with two tubes connected to him. Even though he was seriously injured, the Captain survived.

"Still. I'm really, really sorry." Natasha buried her head on Steve's stomach before realizing it was injured. She lifted her head up but, Steve insisted on laying her head down there. She gave him a look, asking if it hurt him. He nodded but told her he didn't care.

Even though years have passed on, Steve and Natasha could never forget about their past. The past was the past. It could never be changed. But, they had to make up for the loss of the innocent civilians.

Steve finally agreed to the idea of the government, much to his dismay. But there was one condition.

The media, press and everyone could not butt in into their personal life. As much as he loved his fans getting to know him on a personal level, his personal life with the Avengers, especially Natasha, remained personal.

They happily agreed and their personal life remained a secret.

"Daddy look." Sarah looked up to the Captain. She handed him a buttercup flower and he smiled at her. She looked exactly like Steve. Blonde hair but, with her mother's green eyes.

"This is beautiful, darling," Steve said, admiring the flower that his three-year-old daughter plucked. Sarah skipped along to James, who was feeding the ducks in the lake.

Natasha soon joined her husband, who was sitting on the picnic blanket, while sketching the nature around him. "This is amazing, Steve." Natasha commented on her husband's artistic skill. He was always the talented one when it came to art. His drawings, the way he sung. It was magical.

Steve looked up and saw Natasha and smiled. "Thank you." And she sat down next to him, nuzzling in his arms. She let out a deep breath while looking up to the clouds.

She could still hear the screams of people, dying during the war. The bombs dropping. Guns cocking and shooting.

But all of that was taken over by the sound of birds chirping. The river bed flowing. And her children, laughing. And the sound of her husbands voice, gentle and caring.

A/N ; Okay! This is my first ever one shot and it failed. I know. I can't write, but I'll try to make them better! If you have any one-shot ideas, don't be afraid to message me! ☆ Lots of Love, Brie :] ~

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