Never Grow Up

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A/N: Yes, I haven't updated in 2 weeks. No I am not dead. Just very, very busy  with a lot of things. But here I am with another one-shot, a romanogers one if you please. Ps, I will be writing one-shot requests after because, a lot of people have been waiting for a long time (I apologize) but yeah, enjoy this new (kinda-sucky) one shot :)


James Rogers was an intelligent young boy. Since the day of his birth, Steve and Natasha were so grateful and blessed to have him in their lives. At an early age, they knew he wasn't like any other kid. That was because he had some of the Super Soldier serum living in his blood cells, as well as his mother's.

Being born with great abilities sounded amazing, right? Well, not in James' case.

Natasha labeled him as 'dangerous' and that if they send him to a public school - a step in his life which he is fully prepared to do - his 'powers' might be unleashed and he wouldn't have the slightest clue how to control it. Adding to that; he can already carry objects that are twice the weight.

He was, indeed, very gifted from that moment on.

But the Captain and the Widow also wanted the best education for James. He was smart and willing, sending him to school will help him learn more and become the person he wants to excel to be.

The thing was, the couple had trouble deciding what school James should attend. Steve insisted on Hank Pym's Special Education Academy for Gifted Children. But, Natasha wanted him to be homeschooled, as she was very, very protective of her son.

Whatever their choices were, they insured his educational needs were safe and out of the public eye. The least Steve and Natasha want is an incident occurring James using his uncontrolled 'Captain America and Black Widow' like abilities on other children and the two having to talk with the Principal about James' behavior.

Natasha wasn't the one to face people and have them tell her what problems she needs to fix because, hell, she's Natasha Romanoff.

So, placing James into homeschooling or Hank Pym's Special Education Academy would've been much likable and fitting decisions.

There was one problem.

Being the stubborn lunatics that they are, Steve and Natasha would argue every time either one of them would bring the topic of 'James going to School'.

One night, it was the Rogers' dinner time - one nights where each Avengers Family has dinner with their own - and Little James Rogers was stuck in a middle of his parents' arguments.

Luckily, Clint overheard and took the struggling five year old out of the situation.

Steve later apologized to Clint about his and Natasha's behavior earlier. He didn't think of James watching them, when he should've.

"Nat and I, we're very-"

"Stubborn. That's why you two make a perfect couple. You never agree on things," and he wasn't joking. Laura and him have gone through the same process many times. Steve and Natasha's situation was no different.

The Captain gave the Archer a crooked smile.

"Just look out for James. Don't involve him too much in your little bickers," Clint laughed, before making his way into Stark's lab.

But James witnessed the same situation once more.

The only people who had been in Avengers Tower were the Rogers Family and Bruce Banner. Of course, Bruce was busy experimenting two floors downstairs. He simply wouldn't have heard of anything; not a even a clamor.

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