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A/N: Just another One-Shot to keep y'all occupied while I'm on holiday for a week 😁 So, that means I won't be able to post but that's alg cause I'm planning + writing more one-shots for all of you ❤️ Anyways, hope y'all enjoy this one shot, kisses and hugs, Brie


Dear Steve,

You're probably wondering why the hell I'm writing to to you when I completely betrayed you and lost your trust. To be honest, I don't know why I'm writing to you either, it would've been easier if I didn't and I wouldn't make things complicated.

But here I am, writing to you. You must think I'm pretty damn stupid to not just face you in person instead of writing to you. But, you know me, I hate facing someone and apologizing. Damn, I sound so fucking stupid right now.

First of all, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not being there for you when you really needed it. I'm sorry for betraying you and breaking our promise of protecting one another. I'm sorry for almost getting you killed.

For the past few months, I couldn't live with myself. I couldn't stand knowing that you were comatose for a few months which felt like eternity. I knew that if I came back to see you, I would make things worse. So I decided to leave you alone and move on.

The truth is, I never really moved on. The images from the war still rave across my mind, images of fire and millions of people being affected.

I know I should just let go. I mean, everyone else did. But, should I really just let go of something that quickly? People died because of us. And that's a debt we'll never be able to repay, ever.

I hear that you've moved away from New York, after the incident. I hear that you and Sharon have also started a family. I'm just relieved that you're happy once again. With the woman you love. And a life full of happiness and joy. I'm happy for you, Steve, truly.

And I know I sound all affectionate right now, which I actually don't feel guilty about but, I do wish you a great and wonderful life.

I don't think I'll be able to write to you again but, I'm glad I talked to you after all these years of awkward silence between us.

I guess this is goodbye.


Steve examined the letter, word by word. Every sentence sent a shiver through his spine. He couldn't believe it. Natasha had finally talked to him, maybe not up close and in person but, she wrote to him. Steve thought 'has Natasha Romanoff ever done this? Wrote to anyone?' He was oblivious about the fact. Instead, her shrugged the thought off and placed the letter down on the dinner table.

"Daddy? Daddy?" A small, high pitched voice echoed from the hallways. Blonde locks curled down to her shoulders, green piercing eyes and a crooked smile spread wide across the little girls face. She indeed was an exact replica of her mother.

Ivy Margaret Carter-Rogers. That was her name. 5 year old Ivy.

Ivy was born a year after the ending of the civil war. Steve had never seen miracles, until he had seen Ivy. She was the most still, perfect baby he had ever laid eyes upon. Her cries were surprisingly soothing and every moment he got to cradle her back to sleep was intimate and perfect.

Unlike her mother, she had the personality of her father. They could practically tell since she was born. She was willing, loyal and honest. Both Steve and Sharon were and still is grateful for her. To them, she was their little living miracle.

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