Chapter 2:

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Recap- Was it an illusion or were they real?

I gulped and held my dagger tightly in my hand. "Last chance. Come out." I did as I was told, for the sake of my life. "Rick, its just a little girl!" An Asian man said, surprised. "I-m not a little girl... I'm 24.." My hand shook because I was holding the dagger to tightly. "Is it just you?" A man with a crossbow asked me. "Just me and my dog." I watch them share surprised glances. A girl with short brown hair walked up to the lead man who pointed a gun at me. "Rick. She's young and helpless. Maybe we could take her back to camp with us?" She asked. The man or Rick thought for a long few moments. "I-i have food. Guns. Ammo. I could give you guys some.." I offer, catching the Asian's attention.
Rick looked at me and sighed. "Fine. But we'll carry the guns, you can keep your Glock, dagger and crossbow." The Asian walks forward and I handed him the bag of gums and ammo. "What about the food?" The brown haired girl asked. "I'll drive..." I offer. Rick shakes his head. "No. I will." I nod and hop in the back. Chance followed me and plopped down by my feet.

I opened my eyes from another dreamless sleep. I was leaning against the Archer, who was to my left. The brown haired girl was to my right, the Asian was in the passenger seat and Rick was driving. "I'm Leticia but you can call me Letty. You are?" At first it was quiet then I sighed. The Archer was the first to speak. "Daryl." Then it was the girl. "I'm Maggie. He's Glenn." She gestured to the Asian. "That's Rick." Daryl added. I nod and lay my head back. The sun was just coming up. "I won't be staying with you guys for long." I piped up after a few long moments. "An' why is that?" Daryl asked looking at me with his pretty blue eyes. "Im looking for my older brother. And I won't stop until I find him, dead or alive." Glenn turned and looked at me. "I wouldn't bet on finding him, kid." He said and looked at Maggie. "I know." I sigh and watch as we pull into an open field. In the middle was a group of tents. We got up close then parked. The four got out and I stayed in for a moment. "Well come on!" Daryl gestured to the group. I nod and climb out, my Glock in my back pocket. "Carl, Carol, Judith, Adyn, Ben, this is Leticia but you can call her Letty." Rick introduced me. Past the group of new people I watched Daryl scoff then walk towards the trees.
Something was different about him. He was... Just like me as far as i could tell. These people were from the city. He was obviously from the country.
Rick walked over to Carl and asked him a question that I couldn't hear. "He went on a run with Shade and Heather." Rick nods and walks over to me. "There's an extra tent next to Daryl's and Shade's tents. You will be here in camp for today but tomorrow you start work." I nod and follow him to my tent. Carl was carrying my blankets. "Thank you Carl." He smiles and runs off. Rick turns and walks back to the middle of the tents.

I had my bed Ready and I curled up, covered in Warm fuzzy blankets. Just as I was about to drift off into sleep I heard my tent rustle. I bolted up, Glock in hand, ready to fire. "Why? Ya gonna shoot me?" Daryl chuckles and stands outside my tent. "Fuck Daryl! You can't do that to me!" I sigh and lay back down. "Well, I just wanted to check on you, see if you were having trouble with anything." I roll my eyes. "Yeah, I'm having trouble finding my brother." He laughs for a moment then puts on his normal frown. "I could teach ya how to track if you would like." I thought for a long moment then nod. "That'd be nice. When do we start?" He looked up then locked eyes with me. "Tomorrow." I nod and lay down. At this, Daryl walks off and I hear him unzip his tent.
I smiled and closed my eyes. Almost instantly I was off into sleep.

My heart raced, my mind swirled. I was circled. There was no escape from these people. One grabbed my leg, the other my arm and began to cut into my stomach. Pain. That's all I could feel.

I let out an ear piercing scream and felt the path of dried tears on my cheeks. The sun was just beginning to go down. The pounding of foot step let me know people were coming. "What the hell!?" Daryl snapped then became silent as he seen what condition I was in. "What was it?" I felt another tear roll down my cheek. "Nightmare...." I cried. He sighed and began to turn away.
"Daryl!" I stopped him, a frightened tone hinted in my voice. He turned back towards me. "W-will you stay with me? I mean... If it's not to big of a deal.." He sighed then crawled into my tent. "I've got the time, so why not?" He said in a hushed tone. He placed his crossbow next to mine then crawled under the blankets with me. He was so fucking warm! "Just as long as-" I cut him off by leaning over and wrapping my arms around his stomach. I leaned against him and placed my head on his chest. My legs curled up against his. "What were you going to say?" I asked, sleep coming over me. "Nothin'"
I smiled and quickly fell asleep. And I actually had a dream! And it was a good one. And it's all thanks to him...

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