Chapter 1:

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Letty's POV

I sat in my bedroom window, on the second floor. Downstairs was boarded up so they couldn't get in. Not people.. I don't know what they are. I was almost out of food. Tomorrow id have to go on a run. Hopefully I'd make it back.
All I have for weapons are:
1) A crossbow with five florescent pink arrows
2) a matte black Glock 28 with 34 bullets left
3) a large dagger with a maroon handle
4) a screw driver

Not much but still a lot. And as for food, I only have 1 can of mixed fruit which I need to save for tomorrow.
The things stumbled around outside, surprisingly none have noticed me in the window. Their legs dragging across the pavement, rotten flesh torn, low moans and groans.
I shivered then sighed, pulling the black hair tie out of my hair. Wavy brown and gold locks fall to about my mid-thigh. I know, long hair!
I leave the window open and walk downstairs, ignoring the call of my empty stomach. As I pull my GEORGIA sweatshirt off, I kick off my shoes which is an old pair of dirty black Jordan high tops with a few drops of blood. I lay down on my makeshift bed, a pile of blankets, and blow out my only candle. The house become dark and I begin to drift off into a dreamless sleep.

The sun shines through the openings in the boards and I begin to get ready for a run. I grab my pack and hold my dagger in my left hand. I slip on my shoes and my sweatshirt before walking out the back door. Luckily it was clear from the things. I quietly closed it and made my to the front where my truck was. Luckily it wasnt a loud Ford or anything. I've done some work on it to make it quiet. And my pistol had a silencer I found in a nearby sports store.
Opening the truck door, I climb in and start it, driving off as soon as its in drive. A thing follows behind, his mouth gaped open and his face torn. The way 'his' was in my mind brought back the thought about how these used to be people. Luckily these things are slow so I easily lose it.
I pull up to the stop and shut the engine off. I was near the sports store. Here I would gather as many things as I could then go on to the family food store just down the road. As i enter the doors to the sports store, I rushh back to the guns department in the back and stuff my bag full of guns and ammo. I move to the knife area and do the same. The low groans tell me I'm being chased. I run to the coats department and grab about three or four sweatshirts and a new pair of jeans. Quickly I run back to the truck, pack full and climb in. I look back to the doors and curse under my breath. I forgot to close the doors. I slip my bag off and run back. Things began making their way to me. Just as I closed the doors, they began crashing into the now closed door. That was close.
I walked back to my truck and emptied my pack. Now the food store. I pulled the truck closer and made my way to the doors of the food store, my bag empty. As I opened the door I sighed in relief. This place hasn't been raided yet. I walk in, dagger in hand and walk back to get some food. The shelves were full of packaged food, candy, and canned food. The meat, rotten and spoiled, gave a disgusting stench to this store. The milk in the back was rotten and was beginning to harden in its carton. My favorite part of the store was the candy isle. Sour patch kids, air heads, ring pops! Yummy!

I've gathered enough things to last me about three months. I have bread, canned fruits and veggies, boxed Mac and cheese, roman noodles, candy, and much more! That store was empty of the things. So I took what ever I could get. I made about five trips in there then back. Perfect. Now I must find the right place and people. Maybe I'll find my older brother. Just maybe.
I've been driving for about three hours and I was almost out of gas. There were a few cars scattered here and there. I've been through this before. I had a gas can and a hose in the back. I parked the vehicle and started to work. It took me another hour to fill the tank again. I could taste the gasoline in my mouth still. It was about one o' clock. Maybe two. "Where am I going?" I ask myself. I slammed on the brakes as a black an white creature walks in the road. I open my door and hop out, to check and see if I hit it.
I did. But it was just a nick. And it was a male dog. "Here boy.." I whisper and he licks my fingers. "You mine now.. I'll take care of you." I gently pick him up and carried him to the truck. "I'm gonna call you Chance." I start the truck and feed Chance. I don't know where I was going, but I will stop running when I know I am safe.

I began to cover the windows with the sun covers. I covered up with my blanket and laid my seat back. I closed my eyes and hoped for a dream but like the usual I had a dreamless sleep. I woke up in the middle of the night to hear Chance whimpering and whining. But he was asleep. Was he.... Dreaming? Do dogs even dream? I reached back and gave his head a few gentle strokes and he instantly calmed down. I sighed. At least he gets a dream. I haven't had one since... Well since I lost my brother.
That's my mission. My goal. To find my brother and live life as best as we can. Maybe even find other people. I jumped as I heard and unexpected bang on the window. Quietly I pulled out my dagger and held it tightly in my hand. I waited for the low moans or groans but nothing came. Again there was a bang. "Who ever is inside... Put your hands-on your head and come out slowly. Daryl. Go to the other side." A male voice demanded.

Was it an illusion or were they real

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