Chapter 5:

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A/n: this is my dagger

Recap- "You too..." I say before I drifted off into sleep.

I stood in the shadows, watching something. I leaned closer, breaking the branch I leaned against. Down. I rolled down, feeling the pain in my back come back. I landed with my head on my arm. I heard the click of a gun loading and looked up. Rick? Rick stood there, pointing a gun at me. A man ran over and stood in front of me. Shane! No... It wasnt Shane... It was Daryl! I looked to see what I was wearing. I was in Daryl's vest. Rick shoved Daryl down to the ground and pulled the trigger. Pain. Pain in my leg. I looked down, tears in my eyes and found a bullet wound in my calf.

I screamed and woke up. Daryl jumped in his spot and looked at me. "Bad dream?" I nod and began shaking, pulling the blanket closer to my face. "Will you lay with me?" I ask after long moments of awkward silence. He nods and crawls under. He rests his head on his hands and looks up to the sky. I sigh and roll onto my stomach. I sit up, resting on my elbows. "Hungry?" I ask him, pulling out a can of corn from my bag. He nods and scoots closer to me. I jab the can open using my dagger and brought the can to my mouth, dumping some of the corn into my mouth. I hand him the can, and he does the same thing. "Your bleeding.." He says looking at my lower lip. I lick the spot and taste blood. Hesitantly, Daryl leans over and rubs the blood off with his figure. His figure was cold.
I smile and brought myself closer to him. The can was handed back to me and I ate only a little bit.
Daryl leaned forwards and planted his lips on mine. Honestly, I was surprised. After a few seconds, I returned the kiss...


I kept looking in the rear-view mirror to check on Letty and Daryl.. Mainly Letty. Who knows what that prick Daryl was... At that same moment I looked up and fund Daryl eating my lil' sister's face! "Stop the truck!" I hiss.


Daryl had his hand on my neck while mine was in his long hair. The first thing I heard was yelling then the screech of tires. Me and Daryl were flung forward and we hit our heads against the metal. I began to laugh and Daryl joined along. Next thing I know I watch Daryl get pulled out of the back and pulled into the ground. His head hit The tire and he fell on his ass. "What the fuck!" He spat, getting up. Shane stood there, getting up in his face. "What the fuck? What the fuck?!" People started uploading from the truck. "What's going on?" Rick questioned. "She's 19 almost 20! Your-" Shane was cut off by a punch to the face. Shane's head snapped to the left then he shoved Daryl against the truck. "Boys!" I yelled, trying to hold Daryl back. But instead of holding him back, I was flung out of the truck and landed with a thud on the ground. "Ah, fuck!" I sighed looking at my ankle. Instantly, Daryl went into worry mode. Shane threw his hands up and walked to the passenger seat, getting in then slamming the door shut. I stood up using the support of the truck. "Letty, are you 'aight?" I nod then climb back in the back of the truck. I pull out the wrap from my bag, kicked of my right shoe and began to wrap my injured ankle. "Letty i-" in cut Daryl off. "It was an accident, just forget it." He nods, disappointment clear in his eyes.

We came to a complete stop in front of a two story house. I was told to wait in the truck with Shane and the baby. "All clear." Rick signaled and I walked in with my three blankets. As soon as I walked in, I walked upstairs and chose a room with a balcony. I laid my blankets down on the large queen sized bed. A knock near the door made me jump. I look up to find Daryl. "Mind if I stay with you? Rick said we need to double up, two to a room." I sigh and nod, dropping my bag and limping out onto the balcony. I heard quiet footsteps follow me then a strong pair of arms wrapped around my lower stomach. He picked me up and carried me to the bed, gently laying me down. "Your still in my vest lil' woman." I smirk. "I know. And I don't plan on giving it up anytime soon." He chuckled and pulled off his sweatshirt. I undid his vest and pulled mine off, leaving me in my maroon tanktop. My dog tags hung down into my shirt. I smiled and put his vest back on. "Let's go down stairs" I offer, not waiting for his answer.

"Lil' Ass kicker" Daryl smiled, his long hair slightly pushed back. "Letty..." I turned to find Shane in the doorway. "I March over, anger in every step. "What?!" I snap. He gestures outside and we walk outside to talk. "Listen... You can be with Daryl. He's an-" I glared at him. "I'm almost 25! Shane, you can't keep telling me how to live my life! Especially now!" I snap and walk back inside. Instantly I !arch up stairs and kick of my shoes. I quietly began to pace, trying to clear my mind. There was no Daryl, no Rick, no Shane. It was peaceful. At least, until dinner. I walked downstairs, candles were lit. I could see a pair of silhouettes in the kitchen. "Don't you ever touch her again! Next time, she won't be able to stop me." It was Shane! "She can love who she pleases!" Daryl... Does he love me...?

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