Chapter 3:

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A/n: this my gun

Recap- And its all thanks to him...

"Look at their faces!" A hushed whisper came from outside my tent. "I never knew Daryl cuddled..." Another voice came. I opened my eyes and felt myself against a hard yet warm body. I look over and find myself next to Daryl. His arms were wrapped around my lower stomach, his legs entangled with my own. My head was pressed up against his leather vest. His blue eyes opened and locked with mine. Snickering and chuckled began to start and we looked up. Rick, Carl, Maggie, Glenn and Shade stood outside my tent.
Quickly me and Daryl pushed away from each other. They all laughed even more.
"What the hell is all the noise for?" A new voice called, a few yards away. Wait... That sounded familiar... Was that..?
I quickly got up and ran out towards the source and threw myself at him. "What the h-" Rick and the others, including Daryl, ran over. "Who the hell is this?" The man said sternly. I felt myself being pulled away and then his eyes locked with mine. "Shane..." His eyes widen.
"L-Letty?" I nod and this time he runs to me. Daryl lets me go and me and Shane collide in the center, he held onto me as we fell to the ground. Tears of joy and happiness rush down our faces.
"Shane?" Rick asks.
"Letty?" Daryl whispers.

"I've finally found you!" Shane cries, pulling me closer to himself. "I've missed you so much! And when you were out on a case and didn't come back... I-i thought I lost you.." I cry on to his chest. Today was the happiest day of my life. Why? I finally found my older brother...

"Here ya go Letty." Shane hands me a plate with some of the food I had on it. It's been two days since I've eaten. Quickly I ate my plate and set it on the ground. The low moans and groans of about three things were coming our way. "I've got it." I sighed, pulling out my dagger. Shane grabbed my arm in an attempt to stop me. I pull my arm away from him and walk towards one, pulling my dagger up and stabbing it in the head. The thing fell to the side and I made my way deeper into the field, killing the second. This one was heavy! "No...!" The thing fell on top of me, pinning me down. I must have miscounted because there were three more things. And there were all coming for me. "Shane! Rick!" I called. I think I was a little... Well a lot farther than I thought I was. I screamed and tried to push the dead thing off. I almost had it but then another landed on the dead corpse and was nippin' at me. "Help!" I scream. I managed to get my arm free and stabbed the hitting corpse in the head. "Fuck." I sigh and get ready to stab another but something stopped the last two. An arrow flew through the head of one and Daryl ran over, stabbing the last one in the head.
He rushed over to me and pulled the dead corpses off of me. "Th... Thank you!" I say in a happy tone. There was pain in my back. Carefully I stood up then stumbled. Just as I was about to fall a felt a strong pair of arms around me. But Daryl was still standing there..
I turned my head to find Shane holding me up. But his hand was right where the pain was. "Ow ow ow...." I his, standing up and out of his arms.

"You've got a stab wound in your back from your dagger. I think you landed on it when you fell." Shane sighed. I felt th e bandages as I laid in my tent. My back still in pain. Shane and Rick stood outside my tent, arguing on whether not I was fit enough to start work.

Shane told me to stay inside my tent while he talks to the group. My back had stopped bleeding. "Daryl!" I called. At the call of his name he walked over to me. "Yeah?" He cocked and eyebrow. "I still wanna learn how to track." He nods. "Even if Shane and Rick both say no to me working."

After about ten minutes Rick and Shane both walked away and I watched Daryl walk towards the woods. I gave him about ten minutes before pulling my brown and blonde hair into a side braid and gathered my bag. I paced a few cans of food, my Glock bullets and a few bandages. Quickly I grabbed my crossbow and Glock then, sneakily, made my way to the trees. Fresh boot prints were left in the dirt. Daryl has no idea I'm following him, I thought. My crossbow was loaded, just in case. Following Daryl's trail, I followed him to about the crick, then I lost his trail.
"Not bad for a rookie."
I spun around and found Daryl leaning against a tree. "Thanks." I gave a sarcastic bow. He chuckled and stepped down from the little ledge he was on. "Do you know how to track?"
"Kind of."
"Hunt?" I shrug.
"Survive?" At this question I nod.
He brought his bow up to eye level and aimed it at me. I thought he was gonna shoot me, but he aimed past me and killed a thing. I sighed in relief and followed him across the crick. Daryl drew his arrow out of his target's head.
"Aiming?" I sigh. I wasn't a good aimer with guns. My crossbow... That's another story.
"I'm good with my crossbow but not with guns." He nods and looked up, as if he was thinking. His gaze was locked on something.
Something grey white. The world was burning. Changing. "We have to get back!" He said sternly. I nod and jog back, pain in my back with every other step.
How did the world get like this?

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