Chapter 7:

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Recap- Two can play Shane's little game...

I walked inside with Daryl. "So... What did Shane say?" I asked Daryl, referring to last night. "He said that if I don't stay away from ye, that he'd take you away and never return." I looked at him, standing on the porch. I leaned forward and kissed him.
I stood on the top while he stood on the last step. His arms snaked their way around my waist. I dropped my plate and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Daryl.." "Yea..?" He huffed. "What the FUCK!" Shane shouted, throwing his plate down. "Shane!" I shuttered saying his name. "What did I tell you!" Shane said, getting closer to Daryl. I stepped in the middle of them, trying to push Shane away. Shane dint even look at me. He raised his hand and brought it down just as fast. I heard a 'slap!' then felt the sting on my left cheek.
I closed my eyes and fell to the ground. Before I knew it I was on the ground, holding my cheek, crying. "Letty!" Daryl yelled, pushing past Shane and rushing over to me. His removed my hand and I seen his eyes widen. "What the FUCK, man! She's your fucking sister! How could you just go and his her like that!?" Daryl got it Shane's face and shoved him back. "She got in the way!" Was all my dumb ass brother shouted in his defence. Shane stood up, only to be put on his ass again. Daryl socked him in the nose then jumped on him once Shane was on the ground, giving him multiple blows to the face. Daryl was flopped onto his side then pinned by Shane, receiving a few blows to the face. Shane stood up and gave Daryl a nice kick. I was breathing heavily. Quickly I stood up and grabbed my brothers shoulder, turning him so he's facing me. "What the-" I silenced him by punching him right in the eye with my left fist first then my right. After regaining his balance, Shane gave me his best death glare. "Hit me Shane! I fucking dare you! Maybe this time, you'll lose me forever!" I yelled on the top of my lungs. Rick and the others were now making their way over to see what the ruckus was. Shane swung and missed. I aimed my blow and hit him square in the nose. He swung again and nicked my ear. I brought my right leg up and shoved my foot towards his stomach. After I pulled my foot away I kicked him in the dick, causing him to scrunch up and fall to the ground. I got on top of him and began to hit him in the face. "You" punch "don't" punch "own" punch "my" punch "life!" I screamed and kicked as I felt myself getting pulled away from him. "Put me down!"
"Not until you calm down, Letty!" Rick said sternly. Daryl was still laying me on the ground. As instinct, I kicked wildly, hitting Rick in the shin, making him drop me. I fell to the dusty ground and landed on my hands and knees. Quickly, I crawled over to Daryl, straddling him. His eyes were half way open, then they closed. "Daryl... Daryl!" I shook him. His breath was gentle and soft. Rick, Tyreese and Adam picked up Daryl and carried him inside. Carl, Carol and Heather took care of the nearby walkers while the others took care of Shane. I stormed off into the dark forest, crossbow, dagger, and Glock ready just in case I needed to use them. I climbed a tree, the house still in sight, and made myself comfortable on a thick branch.

I woke up, the sun shining brightly. Quickly I climbed down and began gathering long branches of wood. And made piles down below the thick branch I stayed on. Honestly, I'm surprised I didn't fall off. The branches around me rustled and I pulled out my dagger. "Ya gonna stab me?" Daryl asked. He had a black eye and a few cuts on his face. I had a cut along my left cheekbone, thanks to Shane, and another cut on my forehead, just above my eyebrow. I honestly had no idea what that one was from. "What are you doing, Letty?" He asked, leaning against a tree. "I'm.." I paused lifting a large bunch of sticks. "...working on a fort I guess. I just need nails, a hammer." I walked back over the pile and grabbed a stick, carrying it up the tree and placing it on a group of strong pair of branches, making the beginning of my tree house. Daryl handed me another, andi placed it down. We repeated this until there was a large enough platform to hold me, Daryl, Rick, carol, Carl and Judith. "Okay. Now we need to build the walls." Daryl climbed up, holding some branches. He began placing them against the branches above the platform, forming walls. I made the trips down and back up to get the branches. "Thanks." Was all he said. And every time I would nod and watch. He left the roof open after making four walls. I don't know how he did it but he managed to make four windows in the four walls. "Wow..." Was all I could say. The sun light was three fourths of the way down. "Well.. I don't know about you, but I'm staying in here tonight. I can't be any where near Shane." I sigh and make my way down so I can get my blankets.

I packed my bag and carried my blankets. My bag had food, water, Candles, matches and I stole a gun and ammo. "Daryl?" I asked, looking up at the tree house. "Got ya!" Daryl jumped out from behind a tree and scared me. I drew my dagger then sighed seeing it was him."thanks" I say sarcastically. Quickly, I climb up the tree and into the house, placing a blanket down then a candle. Carefully I lit it then placed my stuff on the other side of the tree house. I covered up and faced the wall away from Daryl, using the other blanket as a pillow. I heard Daryl whispers something that I didn't catch then I felt his arms wrap around me. He turns me around, so I was now facing him and pulled me close. He pressed his lower body against mine and smirked, waiting for my expression. I smirked and pressed myself against him. His smirk was replaced by an expression I've never seen on his face before...

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