Chapter 4:

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A/m: this is my crossbow

Recap- How did the world get like this?

"Daryl. What's going on?" I asked. Why were we going back in suck a rush?
"Rick!" He ignored me. Rick, Shane, Glenn and Carl all ran towards us. "What is it? What's the matter?" Daryl stopped to catch his breath. "Theres a fire some where around here. If we don't leave now walkers are gonna come." Walkers? I walked over to my tent and began packing my stuff. I put everything in the back of my truck, including the food and my bag of guns and ammo. "I'm going. If I go, so do my guns and my food. Anybody who wants to live, come with me." I offered.
At first it was quiet. Then people started pipping up.
"I'm going." Shane spoke. "Shane." Rick's voice was stern, as if telling him to stay. "I'm going..." Daryl spoke in a hushed tone. "Daryl..."
"If their going, so am I." Glenn pipped up. And of course, if Glenn goes, Maggie goes. "Come on Rick. Think of Judith. And Carl."

By the time the sun started going down, every one agreed that we would pack up and leave tomorrow. My stuff was already packed. I dumped the can of spaghettios in my bowl and began to eat. "So..." I tried to start a conversation. But tonight wasn't the night I guess. Rick's curious gaze landed on me. Now was the time to take out my braid from earlier. At I pulled the hairtie out, the strands on hair stayed place. Gently I undid the criss-cross of the braid until it was all out. My brown and blonde hair was no longer straight, instead it was smooth and wavy.

Rick headed off to his tent with Judith and Carl. Glenn and Maggie have already gone. So now it was just me, Shane, Shade, Daryl and Heather.
Daryl got up and gave his thanks, walking away to his tent. Quickly I got up and followed him, catching the attention of Shane. His protective gaze followed me until the tents covered me. "Daryl?" I call, hushed. "Ya?"
His crossbow sat out on the ground and he was starting his own fire. "So... I was wondering, since my stuff is already packed and loaded, if I could stay with you..?" He looks up from his fire and raises an eyebrow. "Yeah, I guess." He said and went back to tending to the fire. I smile and sat down next to him. He sat the stick he was using and sat down completely. I sighed and lean against him. Obviously was surprised but didn't have a bad reaction. Instead it was a god one. Dlaryl lifed his right arm and wrapped it around my shoulders. I smiled and placed my head against him as well.
Little did I know that Shane was watching us.

"How did you meet up with this group?" I asked Daryl, still leaning against him. He just looked at me then didn't answer. I nod and get up, walking into his tent. I lay down, covering up with his blanket. I left the tent door unzipped. Just as I was about to sleep I heard Daryl start to make his way in. He zipped the door the crawled under the blanket. I acted like I was asleep to see what he would do. He pulled off his vest... then his sweatshirt... then his shirt. Still, I acted like I was asleep. I felt a cold pair of arms reach around my body and pull me closer. Why does he do this? His actions brought a smile to my face. I swear I heard him chuckle before I fell asleep.

I woke up to find myself alone. Daryl had gone, taking his crossbow, sweatshirt and shirt. He left his vest. On purpose? I sat up and stretched. "Letty!" I hear my name being called. "Be out in a minute!" I grab my shoes and slide them on then I grab his vest, sliding it over my grey stained sweatshirt. I pick up my crossbow and sling it over my back, then my dagger and its case, then lastly, my Glock. I walked out of the tent and walked out, pulling my hair up, to see my group fighting 'walkers'.
There were a lot!
Too many to count! And they just kept coming! I ran, pulling off my crossbow, loading it, then shooting it. "Fuck it!" I pulled out my Glock and started firing. "Every one in the the truck!" I practically screamed. Surprisingly, the people obeyed. Judith was the first insie, then Carl, Maggie, Glenn, then Heather. I ran to the driver side, killing walkers on my way. I got in and Rick and Daryl climbed in in the box of the truck. Quickly I began to go, still slow enough so Shade could make it but he was surrounded. I quickly sped off and hit a walker as I did so. I made it onto the dirt road and drove off, leaving the walkers behind.... As well as Shade. Shane sat in the passenger seat.
The tents were left behind, as well as most of the blankets and a little bit of food. And Chance... And one of my arrows.
The odd thing about them was the fact that most of them were burnt black or were still burning. "Is every one okay?" I ask still watching the road. "Yeah" they all replied. Judith cried. "How old is she?" I ask. No one answered me. A sudden pounding on the back window caused me to stop. Rick hoped out of the truck and walked to the driver seat. I open the door. Before he could speak I piped up; "Rick, we need another vehicle." He looks around and nods. "Let me drive. I'll stop as soon as we find another vehicle." I nod and climb out, walking to the back and climbed in. Once again it was just me and Daryl. I spread out two of my three blankets and laid down, using my bag as a pillow, and covered up. Daryl just watched me. "What?" I ask. He shrugs. "Your wearing my vest." I nod. "So?" He raises an eye brow at my question. "You look cute..." He said in a hushed tone then looked out towards the trees. Slightly, I blushed and looked the other way. "You too.." I say before I drifted off into sleep...

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