Chapter 9:

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A/N: this is the wolf mother (left) and the wolf pup (right)

Recap- "No. I will never leave you alone, Letty. It's not me.."

"Your different, remember." I try to get up but then I get pulled down again. "So are you. We can be different together." I sighed in defeat. "You win Daryl." I sigh again and stand up. Daryl did the same. "Don't I always?" He said sarcastically.
I raised my eye brown and put most my weight on my right foot, crossing my arms. "Uh.. No you don't." He frowned and rubbed the back of his neck. "I know..." He mumbled, barely audible. "What was that?"
"I know..." He mumbles again. "Sorry, I didn't catch that."
"I know!" He yelled. The people around the fire near the house turned and looked at us. I could hear their faint voices, but I couldn't make them out.

Me and Daryl walked back the the fire. "Daryl has something he needs to say." I said. "I-i do?" I elbowed him and tried to hold a straight face. "I do!" He said through gritted teeth. "Well then say it!" Shane said, obviously annoyed. "Letty is the most amazing girl alive and I would do anything for her, even if it were to just annoy her dumb ass brother and I love her." He whispered. "What was that Daryl?" Carol asked.
He sighed. "Letty is the most amazing girl alive and I would do anything for her, even if it were to just annoy her dumb ass brother!" He almost shouted. I couldn't hold it in at longer. I fell into my knees, laughing and holding my stomach. I took a quick glance at Shane and laughed harder. The look on his face was priceless! "O-oh my g-god! S-s-shane looks ridiculous!" I laughed. I heard some snickering then looked up again. Shane was now glaring at me. I became quiet and watched him get up and walk into the house. Quickly I followed.

"Shaney, wait!" He turned and pinned me against the wall in the kitchen. "Don't call me that ever again!" I pushed harder against the wall. "What the hell happened to you?!" I asked, now irritated with his childish games. "What happened to me? Nothin' happened to me Letty!" I glared and pushed him against the wall. "Nothin happened?! Thats bullshit Shane! You used to be the kind of brother who would play around with his younger sister, now all you do is push her away!" I pushed him until it was him against the wall. "You... You used to play video games with who ever I was with! Now you try to kill him?!" His eyes narrowed. "I changed?! I'm the one that changed!?! What about you?! You used to date people around your own age! You would never hold a gun! You... You'd never..." I watched as a tear slid down his cheek. Quickly, he turned and placed his hands on the counter. Quickly I took the chance and wrapped my arms around him. Thats when he let it out.
The tears.
Shane was crying! He was actually crying! I pulled him closer to me, gently squeezing his body against mine. "Shane...?" I looked up at the back of his head. He turned around and hugged me. After a moment like that he squeezed me. "I'm love you brother..." I huffed and inhaled. "...but i-i can't breath!" He let go of me and I was finally able to breath. "Thank you... Shaney.." I tested him. Shane smirked and picked me up in a bear hug. "Your welcome... Lil' sister!" I put on my best fake pouty face. "Don't call me that." He tickled !y side and my pouty face disappeared. "Im sorry Letty." I looked up and locked eye contact. "About what?" He sighed and rubbed the back of his head. "About... Everything.." I hug him. "Apology accepted, brother."
I was making my way outside and found Daryl sitting on the porch. Asleep. I quietly walked over. "Raw!" He jumped and grabbed my hand, flipping me onto the ground below. "It didn't work." He said, slight hint of . I thought for a minute. "Yes it did." He shook his head. "No it didn't." I glared. "Yes it did. Why did you jump?" He sighed and raised his hands up in defeat. "You win." I smirked. "Don't I always?"

The sun was up and so was I. I was out hunting. Daryl was...  Well, I don't know what he was doing. I found myself back in the meadow from the first day I was hunting. Gentle whines were coming from the outer part of the meadow. "What the-" I began to make my way towards the source and found a small pup. Black fuzzy fur with yellow eyes. I picked it up, flinching in slight pain as it nipped at me, and began looking around. That's when I seen it:
A walker lurking over the body of a grey and black canine. The undead corpse held torn pieces of the wolf's insides. The rotten flesh of the corpse was torn and falling off of its face.
I walked over and killed the walker. The dog turned out to be a wolf. The body of two other pups were scattered around. The mother wolf was still alive. "I'm sorry..." I aimed my pistol with the silencer at the poor wolf's head and pulled the trigger.


"What the hell was that?" I asked, looking up from the barbwire fence Rick and I were setting up. "Carl!" Rick panicked and jogged over to the shed near the house where Carl and Heather were. "Letty?" I asked Carl. He shook his head. "She said she was going hunting." Heather spoke up. "Mother fucker..." I dropped the rope and metal wire I was carrying and ran into the woods in search of Letty. Shane and Rick were close behind."Letty!" I hollered. "Letty!"
"Yes?" She asked, her face held the look of innocence. "What was that? We heard a gun sho-" I held my tongue as she brought out a puppy from behind her back. "What the fuck is that?! A rat!?" Shane raised his voice. "No dummy! It's a wolf pup..."

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