1. Professor Mad-Eye Moody

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Chapter One


I walked down the hall towards the Dark Arts Room. It was my lunch break and I wanted to spend it with my favourite teacher, Professor Moody. I enjoyed spending time with him. He made me smile like no one else could.

I straightened my uniform and checked my hair before I got there. I knocked on the door waiting nervously.

“Come in” a gruff voice said from within. I opened the door stepping in. His office was small, dark and cold. It was fully stone like the dungeons. Random objects that I had no idea what they were, lined the walls. It gave me the creeps. I didn’t mind it though when Moody was with me. 

I smiled at the old man in front of me. His magical eye was staring straight at me. I knew it could see through doors and that he had known it was I, before I had entered. He smiled at me; it was a crooked smile from the scars all over his face, but a smile none the less.

“How are you today Professor” I asked as he pulled a seat out for me to sit. Moody took a sip from his flask, his face shrivelled up in disgust.

“Been better,” He said grumpily.

“Has something happened?” I asked “And are you ever going to tell me what you are drinking” I laughed eyeing his flask with suspicion.

Moody smirked at me “Just something to keep an old man going, nothing to worry about” He put the flask in his pocket and out of sight.

“I’m guessing you didn’t hear what happened during first brake?” Moody asked changing the subject.

“Are you talking about how you turned Draco into a ferret” I giggled. I had herd the news from a very impressed George Weasley.

“Yes. That boy got on my nerves. attacking someone when they have got there back turned. I cannot stand cowards. And then Professor McGonagall had a few words with me after. She wasn’t very impressed by my ‘discipline methods’” Moody rolled his good eye.

“I thought it was brilliant, I wish I had been there to see it. The look on Draco’s face would have been priceless,” I laughed.

Moody agreed that it was, but our conversation was cut short from the bell ringing for next lesson.

I said farewell to Moody, as I got leaving to go to my next class. It was transfiguration.

I got in class and sat with my friends Lee, Fred and George. Although I was in Slytherin and they were in Gryffindor we got along very good. I wasn’t like most Slytherin’s. I didn’t hate Muggles or Muggle-borns, but I tend to do anything to get what I want. That was the trait that landed me in Slytherin. My dad of course was happy about that, being a death Eater and all. My mum on the other hand wasn’t so impressed. But she had run off from my dad years ago and married a Muggle. My dad wouldn’t let her take me and the only reason he didn’t kill my mum was because of me. I often wished I could of gone with my mum. But if she got hurt because of me, I knew that was something I couldn’t live with.

“Hey guys,” I said greeting the boys.

“Hey Laylah” They said back.

“Where were you at lunch?” Fred asked me suspiciously, raising one eyebrow up at me.

“Bet she was with Mad-Eye again having lunch together” George teased.

“Leave him alone” I growled “And Don’t call him Mad-Eye, It’s disrespectful!”

The boys left the subject of Moody alone for the rest of class. But my thoughts were stuck on him. I felt disgusted in myself for always thinking about him, he was an old man. He was not the slightest bit good looking, and yet I liked him. I mean I really liked him. Since he had started working at Hogwarts we had gotten really close. I felt I could tell him anything and I did. I told him about my family problems and he listened. I told him how I was expected to become a death eater one day. I told him that I didn’t want to, because I didn’t believe in their beliefs. Moody always comforted me.

 I always asked Moody about himself. He would only say that, he wished he could tell me his secrets and that maybe one day he will be able to.

Moody was the one guy I could trust and I felt safe around him. But to have actual feelings for him, that was wrong. I constantly wished that they would go away, but to my displeasure, they didn’t.

The class ended and I went down to the Dungeons to where the Slytherin common room was located.

“Pure bloods” I said to the stonewall entrance. It sprung open immediately when hearing the secret password. I walked inside, ignoring all the Slytherin students, sitting in the lounges by the fire. I went straight to the stone steps on the other side of the room. Heading up to my room, getting changed into some nice green and black dress robes for dinner. I looked in the mirror at my reflection. A tall, girl with bright green eyes, and long silver, blonde hair stared back. I decided to put my hair up into a ponytail. Disappointed at my own reflection as usual, I walked away heading out of my room.

“Hey Laylah” Draco said in a flirty voice, as I came back down from my room.

“Hey” I said walking straight passed him and out the stone door. I started heading towards the great hall for dinner. Draco followed me and was telling me about his day, minus the whole ferret incident. I knew he was hoping that I hadn’t herd about it. I smirked to myself at this. He was so up him self, it was so unbelievable sometimes.

I sat down at the Slytherin table. Draco sat down next to me making me frown. From across the table I could see Pansy glaring at me, because Draco was paying more attention to me than to her.

I just ignored both of them and looked up at the staff table. I watched as Moody took his seat next to Hagrid for dinner. He was still drinking from his flask like usual. He had his magical eye looking at someone in the crowd of Gryffindors. I followed his gaze to see that he was staring at none other than Harry Potter. I looked back up at Moody with a confused expression on y face. Why would he be looking at Harry? What was his interest in him?

Moody sensed me looking at him. He turned his head and looked back at me. I smiled up at him, blushing slightly as I did. I quickly looked down at my plate, which was now full of food. Hoping he wouldn’t notice, my now red face.


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