6. Encounter With Barty

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Chapter Six 

Barty Crouch Jr turned his head around quickly staring straight at me “What are you doing here?” He snapped at me with an angry expression on his handsome face. He still had his wand pointing at the beaten down man who was on the floor trembling in fear.

I opened my mouth to say something but no words came out. I was terrified of what I had just witnessed.

Someone cleared his or her throat from behind me and I whipped around. It was none other than the Dark Lord himself. I quickly bowed down to him trembling slightly as I did adverting my eyes to the cold stone ground below me. Behind me Barty Jr also bowed. “My lord is something the matter?” He asked

“I will finish off here, Take Miss Stevens back to her room” The Dark lord ordered.

“Yes my Lord” Barty walked over to me and grabbed my arm roughly leading me out of the room.

“Please, Don’t go, help me” The man yelled out to me in fear. I hesitated looking back at the poor mans pleading eyes and saw tears streaming down his dirty face. Barty immediately pulled me along out of the room and back up the stairs out of the dungeons.

“You never answered my question” Barty said still dragging me along.

‘’And what was that?” I asked, upset thinking about all the horrible things the Dark Lord was doing to that poor man right now.

“What were you doing down there?”

“I…I went for a walk”

“To the Dungeons?” Barty raised his eyebrow suspiciously up at me.

“It was a mistake I didn’t purposely go there, I just kind of stumbled across it”

Barty didn’t say another word to me while we walked silently back to my room. I could feel him stare at me occasionally out of the corner of his eye and it sent shivers down my spine.

We reached the hall in which my bedroom was and I stopped. “I can go the rest of the way by myself” I said and started walking off from him.

I could hear Barty’s footsteps following me as I headed for my room. I quickened my pace to get away from him, but he too quickened his pace. I reached my door and opened it quickly stepping inside. I went to close the door behind me, but someone’s foot stop it from closing. I took a step back and Barty pushed the door fully open and walked in my room closing the door behind him. He stared at me with a nasty smirk on his face.

“Leave now!” I ordered

“Or what?” He smirked

“Or I’ll…” I thought for a moment but nothing came to mind. This guy was a ruthless Deatheater and I was just a teenage girl. I was no match for the man who stood in front of me.

I sighed and looked him in the eyes “What is it, that you want?” I asked. Barty started walking towards me. I stepped back, but he grabbed my arm pulling me into him so I couldn’t escape.

“I want you!” He half whispered, half growled.

I tried to pull away from him but he held onto me tighter he then pushed me down onto my bed with him on top of me. Before I could scream Barty’s lips were pressed firmly onto mine.

I struggled but he grabbed my wrist and pinned them above my head with his hand. His lips were rough against mine; I couldn’t move he was just too strong for me.

I can’t believe he’s kissing me, this freak… but it kind of feel’s good

I drifted off into thought as Barty continued to kiss me, and without realising it I began to kiss him back. Barty smirked and pulled his lips away from mine slightly. “Knew you wanted this” He grinned.

I frowned at him “Get off me now!”

“But why? We were having so much fun” He teased and went into kiss me again. I turned my head so he couldn’t get my lips. So instead he starting kissing down the side of my neck. Shivers went up my spine and I moaned as I felt him begin to suck on the soft skin down the bottom of my neck.

Barty finally got off me and kissed my cheek “I’ll see you soon” He said and walked out of my room.

Whoa I can’t believe that just happened I thought with a small smile. Oh my God I think I’m falling in love with Barty Crouch Jr…again I realised with a shock.

I shook my head in disbelieve and got off my bed going over to door to the side of my room that led to my bathroom. I had a quick shower and got dressed for bed. After the nights events it was now getting pretty late. I hopped into my big warm bed and fell asleep with my thoughts on nothing but Barty Jr.

The next morning while I was putting on my makeup I noticed a Hicky on the side of my neck where Barty had sucked on it. I frowned and did my best to cover it up with my foundation. I let my hair out too for extra coverage.

I don’t think anyone will notice it now I thought to myself as I left the room to head to the dinning room for breakfast.

I entered the room to see Barty already sitting at the table; he smirked at me as I took a seat on the other side of the table as far away from him as I could get.

Barty got up from where he was sitting and walked over and sat right next to me. “Avoiding me are we?” He asked giving me a suspicious look.

“No” I mumbled and looked away.

“What do we have here?” Barty asked with a smirk pushing my hair out of the road so the side of my neck was revealed where the Hicky was.

I quickly covered my neck again with my hair as some of the other Deatheaters entered the dinning room for breakfast.

Draco also came in and he took the spare seat on the other side of me “Good morning Laylah” He said with a cheesy smile upon his pale face. I gave him a fake smile back and didn’t say anything.

Soon everyone was seated and the house elves brought in the food and placed our plates in front of us. I ate my bacon and eggs on toast silently while a few Deatheaters talked amongst them selves. The Dark Lord and a couple of the other Death eaters were not here though. They are probably off on some Deatheater duties I thought to myself.

After Breakfast I waited for everyone to leave before getting up. Barty too had waited with me for everyone to leave. As the last person went out the door I went to follow behind but Barty grabbed my arm preventing me from leaving the dining room.

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