10. The Dark Lords Plan

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Chapter Ten.

Barty quickly got off me. In the doorway stood my father. He looked extremely angry and was glaring at Barty with murderous look in his eyes. I quickly got off Barty’s bed, grabbing my shirt off the floor, putting it back on “Dad what are you doing here?” I asked feeling very embarrassed with what my dad had just seen

He looked over at Barty “What are you doing with my Daughter!” He said threatening. Barty didn’t say anything. My dad turned to me “Go to your room now Laylah” I quietly made my way towards Barty’s bedroom door. I gave a Barty a quick worried look, and then left the room heading over to mine.

I entered my room seeing a very happy looking Draco sitting on my bed. “What are you doing in here” I asked annoyed. He just looked too happy and I just wanted to smack that look of his stupid face.

“Just wanted to know how your day is going” Draco said happily.

“You told my dad about Barty didn’t you” I said angrily glaring at him.

“He’s to old for you, you deserve someone so much better” Draco said getting off my bed and walking over to me “Someone like me”

I took a step back from Draco “How did you even know about me and Barty?” I growled still stepping back as far away from Draco as I could manage.

“I saw you with him out on the lawn. He doesn’t deserve you Laylah”

“He deserves me more than you. NOW GET OUT!” I yelled at him

Draco did not leave. He moved closer to me until my back was fully up against the wall. He stood right in front of me, his body nearly touching mine. I inhaled deeply waiting for what his next move will be.

“I can make you happy Laylah. I know how to please a women,” Draco whispered seductively in my ear. I felt really grossed out by his words. The thought of doing anything with Draco made me feel sick in the stomach.

I stepped to the side of him, grabbing his arm. I pulled him out of my room slamming the door shut in his face. He’s lucky I didn’t punch his face in I thought angrily to myself as I sat down on my bed.

A knock came at my bedroom door. It better not be Draco again I thought as I walked over and opened the door. It was not Draco, but it was my dad. “What were you thinking?” He asked me angrily pointing his finger in my face.

“I don’t see what the problem is?” I said confused as to why he was getting so angry with this.

“The problem is, 1 he’s way to old for you, 2 he’s spent half his life in Azkaban and 3, He’s not a nice guy and I know he won’t treat you right”

I stared at my dad blankly. Why does he care so much about all that stuff, I thought he would be happy that I was with a Deatheater?

“Why don’t you spend a bit more time with Draco. Now that is someone I can see you with”

My eyes went wide in shock; I had a look of pure disgust on my face “What! No way that is ever going to happen!” I said shaking my head at my dad.

“Either way, I don’t want you to be spending any more time alone with Barty Crouch Jr. Do you understand me?” He asked folding his arms across his chest and giving me a stern look.

I nodded looking down. “Good” He turned and left closing my door behind me. I went over and pressed my ear up against the door listening as my father’s footsteps faded away down the hall and down the stairs. Once they were gone I opened my bedroom door. I walked out into the hall. It was completely empty. I quickly walked over to Barty Jr’s door and knocked softly. “Who is it?” An annoyed voice said from inside.

“It’s me,” I whispered through the door. Suddenly I could hear moving around from inside and then the door opened up and Barty peered out from a crack in the door. “Is your father around” He asked me

“No he went back down stairs” Barty then opened the door fully allowing me to come inside.

I walked inside and stared at Barty Jr, and that’s when I noticed a cut above his eye. I gasped, “What Happened to you” I asked “Did my father do that?”

Barty shook his head and stepped back as I reached up towards his cut with my outstretched hand “It’s nothing” He said avoiding looking me in the eye. “I’m Sorry Laylah, but I have to go” He said and picked up his wand of his bedside table, putting it in his pocket.

“Go where?” I asked annoyed.

“I have business to attend to with the Dark Lord” Barty told me as he walked out of his room holding the door open waiting for me to come out as well.

I walked out of the room and stood in front of him. I wasn’t going to give up on him that easily.  “When you get back will you come and see me?” I asked him pleading him with my eyes.

Barty Stared at me for a moment in thought. “We will see,” He said closing his bedroom door, walking away from me down the hall. I sighed and started to walk back to my room. I stopped as I reached for the doorhandle. An idea suddenly popped in my head. I quickly turned around and walked back down the way Barty had gone. I peered around corners looking out for him not wanting to get caught. Finally I found him in the Lounge room with the Dark Lord.

“The Attack on Hogwarts will be taking place next week” I heard The Dark Lord tell Barty. I gasped in shock. They’re going to attack the school They Can’t do that there are so many innocent people there

Barty went to say something back to the Dark lord but the Dark Lord put his hand up silencing him. “I believe we have someone ears dropping in on our private conversation”

Oh shit I’m caught I turned to quickly get out of there but I found myself frozen stiff.


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