13. I can not believe it!

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Chapter thirteen

Every one looked up at the Dark Lord, who sat at the end of the table. All of us ready to listen to what the Dark Lord was about to announce.

“Michael Stevens, The Malfoys and Myself have been discussing amongst our self’s recently, and have all agreed on an arranged marriage that would be good for the pure blood line in the Death eaters future”

Everyone began to whisper to each other, but stopped immediately when they saw the dark lord looking angry at their rudeness, towards him. He paused for a moment then continued

“Miss Steven’s” The Dark Lord addressed me and I looked up at him.

Oh no, this can’t be good, I thought to myself.

“And Young Mr Malfoy will be getting married”

A few gasps could be herd from the Death eaters. My heart dropped inside my chest I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Tears welled up in my eyes but I held them back. I wanted to just get up and scream at the top my lungs, but I held it in.

“Welcome to the family” A voice, said half kindly. I looked up staring into the face of Mrs Malfoy, who smiled at me from opposite side of the table.

I tried to say something back, but nothing would come out. Instead I just looked down and stared at my plate. Feeling the anger bubble up inside me.

I couldn’t believe I had to marry that idiot. Now I knew why Barty didn’t want to see me anymore. I wish I had to marry him. I mean he was a pure blood Deatheater. Why did it have to be the annoying little git, Malfoy?

After dinner had finished, I headed towards the stairs, I could hear fast footsteps approaching behind me, so I quickened up not wanting to talk to anyone. Unfortunately the person caught up to me. A hand on my shoulder stopped me from going any further.

“Laylah” The sound of Draco’s annoying voice rang through my ears.

“What do you want?” I said through gritted teeth.

“Just letting you know if you need help moving any of your stuff into my room, just let me know,” He said with a smug smirk as he turned and walked away. I watched him walk off back down the stairs.

In the opposite direction coming up the stairs I could see Barty. He gave Draco a death glare as he passed him. Draco just continued to smirk to himself.

As Barty reached the top of the stairs he saw me standing there. He glanced at me for a second, and looked straight ahead, as he walked past me.

As he did I grabbed onto his arm “Barty Please” I begged tears in my eyes.

He pulled his arm loose and in a soft sad voice he whispered, “There is nothing I can do”

He walked off and headed into his room closing his door loudly behind him.

I sighed and walked up the hall stopping at Barty’s door. Debating with myself weather I should go in or not. After a minute I finally came to a decision and opened the door walking inside and closing the door behind me. Barty looked up from where he was laying on his bed.

“Laylah what are you doing in here” He asked shocked.

I didn’t say anything I just walked over to him, and sat on the bed next to him. I lent down and gently brushed my lips against his. Barty grabbed my shoulders as if he was going to push me off, but instead he pulled me down on top of him, kissing me with much passion.

“I want you Barty. Not that scum Malfoy”

Barty held me tightly “I know, but if you don’t cooperate, the dark lord will kill us both”

I sighed knowing he was right. I gave Barty one finally kiss on the lips, before getting up, leaving. As I left, I really hoped it wasn’t the last kiss I would ever share with Barty.

A couple days past since I was told I had to marry Draco. Barty avoided looking in my eyes whenever we would pass in the halls, and he always sat as far away as possible from at the dinner table. My heart hurt like hell, knowing I could not be with the one I loved.

Draco was annoying as ever, trying to get me to move into his room. I didn’t understand any of this. Draco was like 2 years younger than me. It felt creepy knowing that we were getting married.


I packed my school trunk ready to leave for the train station. Both Draco and myself where returning to Hogwarts today. Mrs Malfoy was taking both Draco and I to the train station.

Our marriage was planned for when we had finished the school year. So I still had a couple of months, to come up with an idea to get out of it. I was in my 6th year at Hogwarts. It was going to be my last year. Instead of going back for my 7th year, I was going to get branded the death eater mark. After the attack on Hogwarts, Deatheaters are just going to run the place anyway.

I herd a knock on my bedroom door, while I was packing my trunk.

“Go away Malfoy!” I growled.

My bedroom door opened and I frowned turning around. My frown soon disappeared when I saw it was not Draco. It was Barty.

“We need to talk,” He said, walking over to me.

‘What about?”

“The attack on Hogwarts that is planned”

“Oh?” I raised my eyebrow up in interest “What about it?”

Barty sat on the edge of my bed, still facing me. “ It will be happening in two weeks. During the school last year while I was there I was fixing something in the room of requirements, which will let the Deatheaters into the school. We will be entering the school during the night. Snape is already aware that he has to kill Dumbledore that night, and It will also be the night the Dark lord is going to kill Harry Potter”

I gasped in shock. I didn’t want Harry or Dumbledore to die If they died we were all screwed. The dark Lord will take over the world. I felt tears come to my eyes. I didn’t want to be a Deatheater. Afraid at every moment, that the Dark lord will kill me if I did something to piss him off.

Barty grabbed my hand pulling me, so I was sitting next to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me into a hug.

“Everything will be ok,” He whispered soothingly into my ear.

“Please be careful,” I sobbed to Barty “Don’t get yourself killed”


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