3. Barty Jr Revealed

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Chapter Three

As I approached Moody’s office I could hear Fast footsteps coming from behind me. I quickly hid behind a stone statue. I watched as Professor Dumbledore, Snape and McGonagall headed straight into Professor Moody’s office.

 I crept up to the office door, which stood slightly ajar. I peered inside the lightly lit room.

Professor Dumbledore was standing over Moody who was laughing like an evil manic, with a smirk upon his face.

“The dark Lord has returned because of me, his most loyal servant”

My eyes opened in shock

What does he mean most loyal servant. Was he joking?

“Who are you?” Dumbledore asked aggressively. Snape grabbed a hold of Moody’s flask and sniffed it.

“Polyjuice potion” He said narrowing his dark eyes at Moody.

“Who are you?” Dumbledore asked again. But it seems like he was about to get his answer. Moody’s skin began to bubble and distort, as the potion began to wear off. He then moaned and grunted in pain, as the magical eye began to get in the way of his real eye. He gripped it tightly and he threw it away. It rolled over the stone floor, towards the door where I was hiding.

I backed away a bit so that I would not be noticed. My heart was beating fast. I could not believe my eyes. Firstly Cedric dies, and now Professor Moody, isn’t who he says he is.

Finally he was fully transformed back to his originally self. I gasped in shock looking at the young male. Who was probably in his late 20’s. He had messy brown hair, and dark brown eyes. Moody’s cloths hung loosely over his much skinnier form.

My eyes went wide in shock at the man before me.

I’ve seen this man somewhere, before but where?


I was at the Quidditch world cup, where a riot had broken out. Men wearing deathly masks and black hoods were marching through the campsite. They were burning tents and sending curses flying everywhere. I recognised them all to well since my father was one of them. They were the Deatheaters.

Everyone ran off into the trees off the forest, which surrounded the huge campsite. I hid behind a tent while the Deatheaters passed, not wanting to get in the road. Suddenly out of nowhere, there he was. A man was standing out in the middle of the burnt down campsite. I approached hiding behind anything I could. I was now only a metre away from him. I held my breath nervously as he held his wand up in the air.

He yelled “Morsmordre!”

A bright green light shot out the end of his wand. A huge cloud appeared in the shape of a skeleton, with a serpent coming out of its mouth. It hung high in the sky, above the camp.

He’s a Deatheater? But I’ve never seen him before.

I began to retreat slowly, stepping back. I accidently stepped on some campfire sticks, which cracked under my weight. The man turned and looked directly at me and my heart froze in fear.

A smirk came across his face and he waved to me evilly, sending chills down my spine. The man started approaching me and I took a few more steps back.

He stopped suddenly as he heard footsteps and yells approaching. He disappeared on the spot, leaving me breathless and scared to death.

~~End Flashback~~

“Ah Barty Crouch Junior I should of known” Dumbledore said identifying the man.

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