4. Malfoy Manor

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Chapter four

Ever since Lord Voldemort had returned Things at Hogwarts was no longer the same. No one believed Harry about what had happened in the graveyard. We also had a new Defence against the Dark arts Teacher, Professor Umbridge. She was a real bitch, she made everyone miss the psycho Deatheater teacher, Barty Crouch Jr, who disguised him self as Professor Moody.

The Whole year barely anyone believed Harry about what had happened except a select group of people, Dumbledore’s Army we called ourselves. I of course was the only Slytherin in the group and a lot of them didn’t trust me. So when Professor Umbridge found out about the group I was automatically blamed, they thought I was the one who told on them. Until everyone found out it was actually Cho Chang and I was let off the hook.

“Ok this is so my last year at this school there is no way I’m coming back next year” I told Harry, Hermione and Ron at breakfast table in the great hall on our last morning before we were to leave Hogwarts for end of year holidays. I had hanged around them for the last few weeks of school since Fred and George had left. I just didn’t see the point of coming back for my last year.

When I got to the train station I bid them farewell and went out of sight from any Muggle eyes and disapparated to my house. I was happy that I’m now 17 and of age and could finally do that.

When I got there my dad was waiting for me. “What’s up?” I asked him.

“We are going to the Malfoy Manor, The Dark lord wants all his followers close by, and that means me” My dad said very proudly

“Why do I have to go” I whined not really wanting to have to stay in the same house a Draco Malfoy.

“Because you are my daughter, and I say so” He grabbed my arm and did side along disapparation with me to the Malfoy Manor. When we got their Lucius Malfoy Greeted us as we entered. “Draco come and show our guests to their room,” He yelled out, and Draco came around the corner looking pissed. A smile suddenly came across his face when he saw me. “Hello Laylah” He said in his flirtatious voice. He led my dad to his room first than me to my room. “Your right next door to me” Draco said pointing to a door just a bit down from my own. “So if you ever get lonely at night you know where to fine me” Draco gave me a smirk. Just great I thought sarcastically and went into my room quickly closing the door behind me so Draco couldn’t follow me in. I looked around the room. It was a fairly decent size room with a big king size bed. I walked over to a door that came off the room to find my own little bathroom. I herd a knock on the door. God I hope it’s not Draco I thought.

“Come in” I yelled out and the door opened. A house elf walked in wheeling in my school trunk with all my stuff in it. The elf placed the trunk in front of me then bowed and left. Trust the Malfoys to get a new house elf after Harry set Dobby Free I thought angrily.

I got changed and headed down stairs and into the Dinning room and took my seat beside my dad.

“The Dark Lord will be here any moment,” Lucius announced. More and more Deatheaters arrived and one walked in “He’s here” He said to everyone and we all got out of our seats and stood. The Dark Lord entered the room and everyone bowed to him. I just followed what everyone else was doing, because the last thing I wanted to do is make the Dark lord angry.

He took his seat at the Head of the table and everyone sat after him.

“We have one more guest joining us tonight” The Dark Lord spoke. Suddenly the door to the dinning room opened again and in walked a young Man, His messy hair fell slightly over his eyes that were dark brown. My heart skipped a beat as I saw him. It was none other than Barty Crouch Junior. He bowed to The Dark lord and then took his seat across from me. I just sat there staring at him. How the hell did he escape! Barty scanned the room of Deatheaters and his eyes finally laid upon me. He seemed shocked for a moment, but it soon subsided and he smirked at me. Now I felt worried. What if he told The Dark Lord that I don’t despise Muggles and Muggle-borns like I’m suppose to. My hand began to sweat as I ate my dinner. Barty could tell that I was worried and He looked like he was enjoying it.

He stared at me nearly the whole time through dinner. Making me feel uneasy with each passing second. Finally dinner was over and I excused my self, bowing to the dark Lord before leaving. I ran up to my room and lie down on my bed, worried feel my head.

Down stairs the Deatheaters were starting there meeting, and I had no idea what they were talking about. Barty could be telling them all my secrets right now and they could be discussing what they would do to me. Maybe torture me, imprison me or even kill me.

Suddenly I herd footsteps down stairs indicating that the meeting was over. I could hear a set of footsteps approach my room and I held my breath waiting for what was to come next.

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