8. Bartys Violent Side

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Chapter Eight

When I got outside I felt something grab my arm.

“Did you have fun in there with them blood traitors!” A voice snapped in my ear sending shivers down my spine. I knew it was Barty Jr. I couldn’t see him because he was still under the invisibility cloak. But I could feel his death grip on my arm. I tried to pull away but he only held on tighter making me wince in pain.

“Let go of me,” I growled at him.

Barty roughly pushed my arm out of his grip, and I rubbed my sore arm where he had been holding it.

“Your not to talk to them ever again. You got that,” He said angrily to me.

“Your not the boss of me, I’ll do what I like” I hissed back

“I wonder what the Dark Lord would do if he knew you were associating with Blood-traitors” Barty Jr threatened me.

“Are you going to tell on me,” I said in a childish voice “then go a head, I don’t care. I hate you! Don’t ever talk to me again” I grabbed the broomstick and threw it at him and before he could even get a word out I disapparated. A second later I arrived at the front of the Malfoy Manor. I went inside and ran straight up the stairs and into my room. I lie down on my bed and put my head into my pillow as tears then began to leak from my eyes and roll down my cheeks.

A couple of hours later I was awoken after having fallen asleep crying my eyes out, by a soft knock on my bedroom door. I groaned and grabbed my head where a headache was now forming. “Go away” I mumbled burying my head into my pillow.

The person however did not go away, Instead they knocked a little louder. I growled in frustration and got out of my bed and walked over to my door opening it “WHAT!” I yelled angrily. I stared blankly when I saw it was Barty Crouch Jr.

He looked at me and he could tell that I have been crying from the redness of my eyes. “Can I come in?” He asked about to enter. I stuck my arm out preventing him from coming inside. “No Just go away I don’t want to speak to you,” I said harshly glaring up at him.

Barty grabbed a hold of my outstretched arm and roughly pushed his way in pulling me along with him.

“Ouch! You’re hurting me,” I said trying to pull away. Barty dragged me over to my bed and roughly pushed me down on top of it.

He got on top of me and pinned me down with his hands. He lent in close to my ear, his breath against my skin sent shivers of fear down my spine “Who do you think you are to speak to me the way you did, you filthy little blood traitor” His voice was like poison and it stung my heart. I blinked back tears that came to eyes. I did not want to give him the satisfaction that he was scaring me.

A bit of courage came back to me and I growled at him “Don’t you dare talk to me like that, Now get of me you piece of shit!”

A sharp sting was suddenly felt on the side of my cheek. Barty Jr had slapped me so hard and fast I didn’t even see it coming.

The tears that I had been holding back began to flow from my eyes and I turned my head away from Barty. “Please just leave me alone” I begged as my body began to shake.

I Felt Barty’s lips brush against the side of my cheek where he had slapped me. “I’m sorry,” He whispered soothingly in my ear. “But if you talk to me like that again, it will be a lot worse. Do you understand?” His voice was turned stern.

I nodded telling him that I understood. “Good” He whispered, he grabbed my cheek and made me turn my head so I was looking up at him. He lent in and places his lips against mine. I didn’t pull away I kissed him back not wanting to make him angry again. He released my hands and sat up. I also sat up not looking at him. Barty pulled me into a hug “I don’t like hurting you. But you got to learn respect. If you think what I did was cruel imagine what the Dark Lord would do. I’m just trying to protect you” Barty said kissing me on the cheek.

I felt so confused right now. Sometimes it feels like Barty hates me, and others it feels like he actually might care for me.  But what confused me the most was that I didn’t know how I felt for him. One minute I think I’m in love with him and the next I hate him more than ever.

I wished things could be simpler. I wish that he wasn’t a Deatheater and that I could live a normal life like everyone else. I knew though that that was never going to happen. I sighed and pulled away from Barty’s hug.

“I would like to go to sleep now if you don’t mind?” I asked quietly

Barty stared at me for a moment but nodded. He got up; before he left he lent down and kissed me gently on the forehead.

“Sleep well beautiful” He farewelled me kissing my cheek as he got up and left me alone in my room.

I lay back on my bed, my head swelled with confusion. I did not know what to do. If I was to anger Barty again like that he might tell the dark lord things about me, which may result in me getting killed. How could the man I knew back at Hogwarts really be such a Jerk, and why can’t I get my mind of him. He made me so mad and there was nothing I could do about it. From everything he knows about me he practically owns my life, he can destroy it at any moment if he wanted to.

Sighing I closed my eyes and tried blocking everything out of my mind as I slowly drifting back to sleep.

I dreamt of Barty. We were back at Hogwarts and he was my professor again. But he did not look like Moody this time he just looked like himself. He was dressed in a suit with his hair combed back. He looked very handsome. We were in his office as we went over my test results from the exams. “You did very good Laylah” He smiled kindly at me making me blush

“Thankyou professor”

“You don’t have to call me that. You can call me Barty” He smirked getting up from his desk walking around it to where I stood. My heart was beating fast as he placed his hand up to my cheek leaning in. I closed my eyes waiting for his lips to make contact with my own. I felt nothing; I opened my eyes to see what had happened. Barty was still standing in front of me but he was not dressed like my professor anymore. He was dressed in dark torn cloths, his hair was a mess and his face was dirty, like he had just got out of Azkaban. His face glared down at me. Hatred was written all over his face. My heart felt like it had stopped inside my chest.

“You filthy little blood-traitor” He growled slapping me so hard across the face that my whole body shook with pain. I gasped as he pulled out his wand with an evil smirk on his face. “Crucio”

The most unbearable pain shot through my body. My eyes went dark and then the pain was gone.

I Gasped sitting up in bed. I was covered in cold sweet. It was only a dream

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