5. The Dungeons

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Chapter Five

The person knocked at my door. “Come in” I said nervously and watched as the door handle slowly turned. Draco Malfoy entered the room; he had a smug look on his face. “What is it?” I asked annoyed.

“Oh nothing, just seeing if you wanted some company,” He said with a smirk on his face.

“Yeah, but not from you!” I said annoyed looking away from him down at my shaking hands. Draco frowned at me but I did not see it. A evil laugh then came from behind him and who ever it was push Draco out of the door way and walked into my room. I looked up from my still shaking hands to see Barty Crouch Jr enter my room. “How about from me?” He asked. He grabbed Draco by the arm roughly making him wince and shoved him out of the room closing the door after him. We were alone together in my room now and I felt nerves swell up in my stomach. I couldn’t tell if they were good nerves or if it was because I was scared. I guess it was a bit of both.

Barty Jr looked at me with his cold Dark eyes questionably “Well?” He asked slowly walking over to me where I sat on the edge of my bed. I didn’t answer the nerves had taken over me and I was scared stiff. What did he want? Did he tell the other Deatheaters all my secrets and was now here to punish me? I had a frightened look upon my shy face as I watched him approach.

Barty Jr had noticed this and stopped in front of me, he stared at me for a second then turned around to leave. “Ill just go than” He said and headed for the door. As he reached for the door handle I found myself standing up “No don’t go” I pleaded.

Barty Jr turned around with a surprised look on his face. He wasn’t the only one. I too was surprised at what I had just said. He walked back over to me with a playful smirk on his face. He lent in close and whispered in my ear “That’s what I thought”

He grabbed my chin roughly and pulled me close to him, he began to lean in towards me, but suddenly stopped an inch away from my lips. I breathed deeply staring into his eyes. I couldn’t read what he was thinking. He suddenly dropped his gaze from me and looked down at his arm, where his death eater’s mark was hidden under his shirtsleeve.

“I must go,” He said. He pulled me in roughly and kissed my cheek, I blushed red as he turned and left my room. I inhaled deeply and sat on my bed going over in my head what had just happened. I guess he had not told my secrets after all. I then noticed the pain in my jaw from where Barty Jr had been holding me roughly. I gently rubbed it with my hand and then moved my hand up to where Barty had kissed my cheek. I couldn’t help as a small smile came upon my face. I sighed and got off my bed walking to my door. I wonder where Barty had to go. The Dark Lord had called him for something I thought and headed out of my room. I looked down both ends of the long dark hall. Only a few dim lanterns lighted it spaced a few metres apart. Many wooden doors like mine laid down both sides of the big hall.

I walked down the opposite end that I would usual go to the dinning room. I hadn’t been down here before. I decided I would explore a bit to see if there was anything to do in this place.

I got to the end of the hall and realised I could either turn left or right as it cam to a T-section. They both seemed to lead somewhere and looked similar to the hall I was just in. I decided to go right and walked quietly down the hall. Listening for anyone around. I couldn’t hear anything. The place was dead quiet. I stopped at a door right down the end of the hall way and slowly opened it peering inside. There were many broomsticks and other Quidditch gear inside. I walked in and went over to where a Nimbus 2001 sat in a case on the wall. That must be Draco’s broom I thought and after having a quick look around I turned and left.

I turned around and headed back the other way so that I was now going left down the hall. I opened every door I came across curious to what was behind each, I found several bedrooms. Not as big as the one back in the other hall. There were also a couple of bathrooms and some linen closets. As I approached closer to the end of the hall I noticed it started to get darker, Fewer and fewer lanterns were lit and the ones that were, were very dull barley a light flickered from them at all. As I came to the end there was cold grey stone-steps that seem to lead down to a basement or something. Should I go down there and check it out? I thought to myself staring down into the darkness that lay at the bottom of the stairs. Curiosity got the better of me and I got my wand out. “Lumos” I Whispered and the tip of my wand lit up bouncing off the stone walls that laid so closely either side of me. I slowly walked down the stairs step by step. My footsteps slightly echoed down as I came closer and closer to the bottom. I stopped at the last step of the stairs and looked around. The walls were all stone down here as well, and it was so cold I could see my breath as I exhaled slowly. I could here voices coming from right down the bottom of a hallway that led of the stairs. It sounded like someone was screaming. I started running down to where the screaming was coming from. A big thick wooden door was slightly ajar as I approached the end. I opened it slowly walking inside. My eyes opened wide in shock. There was huge bar cages down here, with people inside them. They were grubby looking and there cloths looked torn and dirty and the place smelt like blood and sweat. In the nearest cell I could see Barty Standing over a screaming man, He had his wand pointing at him “TELL ME WHAT I WANT TO KNOW OR THE PAIN WILL NOT STOP!” Barty yelled. The scared looking Man sobbed, “I don’t know anything about it I swear”


The man screamed again in pain, his fearful eyes filled with tears. I looked at the Evil smirk on Barty Jr’s face as he enjoyed torturing the man to death.

“STOP IT!” I yelled not being able to take the man screams anymore. 

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