15. Death Eaters at Hogwarts

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Chapter fifteen


I hid behind the giant green armchair, which was located in the far corner of the Slytherin common room. My heart sounded awfully loud inside my chest as I peered around the corner watching the boy’s dormitory.

I held my breath as the sound of creeping footsteps made their way down the stairs. The nervous blonde-headed boy was directly in my sight as he made his way to the exit of the room.

I did not take my eyes off of him. He gave a quick look in my direction, but relaxed when he saw no one there.

I knew he would join in on the night’s plans. I got out from my hiding spot and silently made my way after him. I knew he would lead me to the room of requirements.

I had tried to find it myself all day, but had no such luck, and if I had asked Harry to show me it again, I knew he would be suspicious to why I wanted to know. I had not told Harry that was where the death eaters where entering the school.

The blonde boy stopped outside a wall in the dark and empty corridor. It was close to midnight so all the students would be fast asleep in their soft warm bed. I wondered what Professor Dumbledore has organised to defend the school when the death eaters attack.

I decided it was time to make myself known. I walked out from behind the stonewall corner I was hiding behind.

“Draco” I whispered quietly, but loud enough for the boy to hear.

He jumped in freight; he looked like he was about to have a heart attack. He seemed to calm down a bit when he saw it was only me.

“What the hell are you doing here Laylah,” He whispered, with a hint of anger in his voice.

“I wanted to help” I lied.

Truthfully I wanted to talk to Barty, when he came through the door. I wanted to stop him and send him back before he got hurt, or worse killed. I did not know how Barty would react when he found out I told Harry the plans. Would he betray me to the Dark Lord? Or would he keep my secret? I did not know, but I was not going to risk his life on that.

Draco glared at me “The Dark Lord does not need your help in this, you are just going to get your self killed. Go back to bed Laylah”

I walked over to Draco and leaned against the wall next to him. “You are not the boss of me Draco Malfoy”

“I will be at the end of the year” He smirked at me.

I frowned at him, I felt like punching him in the face, but I did not want to cause a commotion that could get a Professor attention to where we were.

“You better leave before they get here,” Draco said looking at the stone door that would soon turn into a door when the Deatheater come out of it.

I fiddled nervously with my hands; my heartbeat was just not slowing down. I could see Draco too was nervous but trying to hide it. I truly hated Draco, but I knew he was not as cold-hearted as he liked people to believe. He was not a killer, and when the time comes, he would see whom he truly is.

It was time, the death eater were going to come through the room of requirement at any minute.

Draco straightened his robes, so he was presentable for when the Dark Lord arrived. I did not care about that at all, I really wanted to go back to the safety of my nice warm bed, but it was too late for that now.

The door finally began to appear, and it flung open noisily. About 10 hooded figured marched out of the room. I could not tell whom, was who?

“Draco. I did not tell you to bring the girl,” A snake like voice hissed from the front of the group. I knew it was the dark lord immediately and I gulped.

“She followed me my lord, I told her to leave, but she would not” Draco bowed his head, with fear in his grey eyes.

“You disappoint me Draco, if you could not tell when you were being followed, how do you ever hope to be one of my followers”

Draco said nothing.

“You know the plan, let’s get this done,” the dark lord hissed and the Death eaters took off down the halls. One of them was laughing like crazy and was going to wake the whole of Hogwarts up, I knew it was Bellatrix immediately.

“Leave here at once, before I kill you myself” the Dark lord threatened me, before heading off in a quick stride down the halls, to where I was aware the Gryffindors slept.

I did not need to be told twice. I turned and headed back the way I had come. I felt disappointed that I had failed in my plan. Maybe Barty was not with them. I told myself over and over, hoping it was true.

Someone grabbed my arm roughly and pulled me into a dark room. Before I could scream a warm hand covered my mouth.

“It’s only me” Barty’s voice rang in my ear. My body relaxed and he let me go. I turned around to face him. His hood was still on and it darkened his face so I could not see him. I pulled him into a hug. I had missed him so much. Barty hugged me back for a moment, but pulled away. He removed his hood so I could see his face.

“What are you doing here Laylah” He said in a disappointed voice.

“I had to warn you”

“About what?”

“They know you are here Barty. You have to leave. I do not want you to get killed” I felt tears come to my eyes, but I did not let them fall.

“How did they find out?” Barty raised his eyebrow up at me. He already knew the answer to that, but I could see he was hoping he was wrong.

“I warned them,” I said looking down at my feet. Barty grabbed my chin roughly making me look up into his eyes. There was so much anger in his eyes and it scared me.

“You know you could of got us all killed now” He growled “What were you thinking, you stupid little girl”

The tears I had been holding back, finally slipped down my cheeks.

“I’m sorry. I wanted to warn you,” I sobbed, “Please forgive me Barty”

Barty roughly threw my chin down out of his hand.

“Go back to your bed” He growled before leaving, slamming the door behind him.

Shaking, I slowly made my way back to the dungeons and to the Slytherin common room. I did not go to bed; I sat on the lounge in front of the fire, dreading what was going to happen tonight.


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not long now until the end....

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