9. Caught Out!

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Chapter Nine



Breakfast the next morning was uneventful. I sat next to Draco with my dad on the other side of me so Barty Jr couldn’t sit down next to me. Barty gave Draco Dirty looks all through out breakfast.

I turned to Draco and smiled at him. He seemed a bit taken back by this but smiled back. I tried to make conversation with Draco “What are you up to today?” I asked him not really caring at all about the answer. I glanced over at Barty out of the corner of my eye to make sure he was watching. Jealousy was written all over his face and that made me happy.

“I think I might go and practise Quidditch on my broom” Malfoy told me

“Cool” I said taking a bite of my peanut butter toast.

“Did you want to join me?” He asked

I thought for a moment. I knew it would really piss Barty off if I said yes. “Sorry Draco I got some other stuff to do”

Draco said nothing and turned back to his food. I did want to make Bart jealous but not angry to the point he might hit me again and I knew if I went off to hang out with Draco that would probably make him so mad that probably come close to killing me.

After breakfast I left the dinning room and went outside to the Malfoys back yard for some fresh air. I sighed peacefully looking around. There was no fence at the back of the year instead it was lined with thick trees that lead into a forest that stretched out up tall mountains that were hundreds of miles away. Most of the yard was just grass with a garden bed around the side and a pool off to one side.

The weather was nice; the sun’s heat was nice and warm on my skin. I went over and lay down on the soft green grass closing my eyes enjoying the day. In the distance I could hear birds chirping and the wind rustling the leaves in the forest. It was so peaceful a smile came to my face.

A dark shadow fell over me blocking the suns warmth my smile faded from my face. I opened my eyes to see who was disturbing me. I frowned; it was none other than Barty Crouch Jr. “Can I help you?” I asked with a hint of bitterness in my voice.

“I’ve come to talk to you,” He said sitting down on the grass next to me.

“About what exactly?” I asked a little nervously. Last time we talked it didn’t go so well. I couldn’t think of anything I did to make him angry this time though. Except for not sitting next to him at breakfast. But that was not really that big of a deal.

“Just want to know something”

“And what is that?”

“Is there something going on with you and Draco” Barty looked me deep in the eyes when he asked me this. I began to laugh “What? Your not serious are you?”

Barty frowned at me. I shook my head and closed my eyes again amused at what Barty had asked me.

Barty took my humour to his question that nothing is going on between Draco and me. I could hear Barty move from next to me, I assumed that he was getting up to leave. But the pressure of someone sitting on top of me told me differently. I opened my eyes staring up at Barty who was now on top of me. His face inches from mine. Before I could say anything I felt his lips press against mine. I hesitated for a moment, but began to kiss him back. I wrapped my arms around his neck making the kiss deeper.

Barty suddenly pulled away and got up off me. He began to head back to the Manor. I watched him confused. What did I do I thought. I got up and followed him inside. He headed up stairs and into his bedroom. I walked up the hall and hesitated at his door. I decided to go in and I walked inside his room without knocking.

It was pitch black inside his room. I couldn’t see a thing. I felt a pair of arms grab me and push me down. I screamed waiting to hit the hard ground, but I fell onto something soft, a bed.

“What are you doing?” I asked. A light went on and I saw a smirking Barty looking down at me. ‘Why did you walk off?”

Barty got on top of me “Because I wanted us to have our fun somewhere more private” Barty said still smirking down at me

“How did you know I would follow you?” I asked questionably while looking around at my surroundings. His room was small and plain just a bed with a side table and a closet off to the side.

Barty lent in a whispered in my ear “Because I know you want me” I could feel his smirk upon his face and shiver ran down my spine.

I tried to push Barty off me but he grabbed my wrists and pinned them above my head and began kissing my lips passionately and lustfully. I instantly gave in to him and kissed him back with just as much passion. I knew then I wanted him. I wanted him so badly, and the fact that he was a major Jerk didn’t even bother me at the present time. Barty released my hands slowly and I wrapped them around his neck pulling his body as close to mine as it was possible. I could feel his tongue run against my lips and I parted them slightly allowing his tongue to enter. His tongue rubbed against my own, a small moan left my lips and Barty smirked into our kiss.

I felt Barty’s hand run down the side of my body. He began to undo my shirt with one hand. I felt nervous now but I didn’t stop him. I wanted this. Barty threw my shirt to the floor after he removed it, he went to take my pants off to when his bedroom door suddenly burse open. Making our lips part as we looked up to see who it was.


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