2. The Yule Ball

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Chapter two

Everyone was talking excitedly amongst them selves, as we headed towards the great hall. Which had been decorated for the upcoming Yule Ball. Fred had asked me to be his date, purely as friends. I had accepted, considering I couldn’t go with the person I really wanted to go with.

We walked in the hall together. Our arms linked together as I looked around, amazed at how beautiful the hall looked. The four long tables had been removed from the hall. They were replaced a dozen or so of smaller circular ones that had beautiful candle centrepieces. The outlined the hall, leaving a big gap in the middle for dancing.

Fred led me over to the dance floor, and bowed like a gentleman.

“May I have this dance?” He offered me his hand.

I giggle and curtseyed

“I would love to” He took my hand and placed it on his shoulder and grabbed my other hand in his own. We began to move to the music beat. It wasn’t a fast beat, or a slow beat. It was perfect for two friends to dance to.

I smiled and looked over his shoulder, where I could see Moody glaring over at us. I frowned and looked down.

What’s wrong with him? I thought to myself but was snapped out of it, when Fred pulled away as the song came to an end.

“I’m going to go get a drink. Do you want one?” Fred asked me.

I shook my head “No I’m right thanks”

Fred smiled and left. I walked over to Moody who was standing by himself in a corner.

“Hey” I said standing in front of him.

“Having fun with Mr Weasley?” He growled not looking at me.

I pretended I didn’t hear the anger in his voice and I ignored the question.

“Would you like to Dance professor?” I asked him with a sweet smile, offering him my outstretched hand.

He looked at me shocked “What?”

I repeated the question “Would you like to dance…with me?” I felt nervous now.

What was I thinking asking him that? Now I’m going to get rejected by him, and be totally embarrassed.

“Sure” Moody said with his crooked smile. He took my outstretched hand, leading me to the dance floor.

We got into position like how Fred and I had danced and the music started up. It was a slow song but not a slow romantic one and I thanked God for that. I could feel butterflies fluttering in my stomach as we danced. I enjoyed being so close to Professor Moody. He made me feel happy like no one else could. If only he was 50 or so years younger, I laughed in my head.

I could feel some eyes on us as we danced, but we ignored them. We continued to dance as if we were the only ones their.

The song came to an end and we let go of each other “Thank you for the dance, Miss Stevens” Moody said before walking off to join the other teachers.

I walked away frowning. I hated when he called me Miss Stevens. I wished he would just call me Laylah, like everybody else.

I sighed. I supposed he had to call me that, because I’m his student.

“Have fun dancing with Moody” Fred Teased laughing “You know you are suppose to be my date tonight”

I Laughed, “Don’t worry. You can have the last dance with me for tonight” I said, as we went back out onto the dance floor.

After my last dance with Fred, I sat down and had something to eat. I talked to the boys for a while, before bidding them goodnight. I soon left going off to bed.


There was only one task left of the tri-wizard tournament. We were all packed in the stands, which were set up in front of a huge hedge maze. The maze had been grown on the Quidditch Pitch, and stretched out as far as the eye could see. Leaves whistled and rustled in the distance in the hedge maze, sending cold shivers down my spine. I was glad that I did not have to go in there.

“I vote Cedric is going to Win” I said, turning handing my bet to Fred and George

“Don’t tell Harry I said that though” I whispered and giggled.

“Don’t worry your bet’s are safe with us” George reinsured with a smiled. I frowned knowing he will probably tell Harry anyways. Them two loved to cause trouble.

I watched down from the stand as Moody gave Harry some sort of pep talk, before the last task started. I smiled and looked around at the other competitors, who all looked uneasy about the huge hedge maze in front of them.

“Last chance for bets. Put them in here. Who will win? Will it be Victor Crum? Cedric Diggory? Gryffindors very own Harry Potter, or the Beautiful Fleur Delacour?”

I rolled my eyes at Fred and George, who were going through the crowed collecting everyone’s bets.

“Alright it is time for the match to begin” Came the voice of Fudge the Minister of Magic. He was standing on a small stage in front of the stands. Behind was the schools musical band, with there large brass instruments.

They began playing their competitive music, as the four Champions ran into the maze. They all started at different points of the maze. In the middle of the maze, was supposed to be a golden cup. The first person to reach the cup would be the winner.

I looked down at Moody and Harry. I saw moody point in which direction Harry needed to go. I giggled at this and Moody spotted me from in the crowd. He winked at me with a smiled. He then walked over to the Minister and the other teachers.

While everyone talked and cheered in the crowd, I occasionally glanced over at Moody. Something just didn’t seem right he was staring into the maze. He had a twisted smirk on his face the whole time. Maybe I was just imagining things. I shook my head snapping my thoughts out of it. I began to cheer with the rest of the crowd.

An hour had gone by and both Fleur and Victor had been brought back from the maze. That only left Harry and Cedric left in the game.

“It’s going to be a close one” Fred said to me. I nodded agreeing with him.

After what felt like hours finally a bright light appeared. Both Harry and Cedric appeared in front of the stage on the grass. Every one began to cheer excitedly, but halted as they realised Cedric wasn’t moving.

“Oh My God. What has happened?” I said moving in closer with the crowd. There were many gasps, and the piercing scream of Cho Chang from the crowd, brought the horrific scene to life.

Cedric Diggory dirty, bloody body laid dead on the grass. Harry clung onto him crying. He too was very dirty and covered in blood. Dumbledore and the other teachers rushed to Harry’s side.

“He’s back, Voldemorts back,” Harry yelled out hugging Cedrics Dead body “The cup was a port key!”

The crowd was now silent, as fear set in. I watched as Moody grabbed Harry’s arm and pulled him away from Cedrics body. He pulled Harry away from everyone and led him back up to the castle. I waited a moment, still in shock at the scene. I eventually got up of my seat and headed back up to the castle. My steps lead me towards Moody’s office.


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