11. Voldemort's Threat

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The Dark Lord had put a spell on me, so I couldn’t escape. I watched as the dark lord came around the Corner, followed by Barty Who face had a hint of shock, when he saw me.

“This was a private meeting Miss Stevens. Why are you here?” The Dark lord hissed in a demanding voice.

“I…” I started, but couldn’t think of anything to say. The Dark Lord frowned at me “I believe your father told you he wish’s you not to see Young Mr Crouch here. So Leave!”

The spell was then released and I could move again. I quickly bowed to the Dark Lord, not making any eye contact with Barty, and then I turned to leave. Before I Got to the stairs The Dark Lords voice rang out “Oh and Miss Stevens, if you repeat any of what I have just talked about with Mr Crouch here, I’ll make sure you will never be able to utter another word in your life again. Is that understood?”

“Of course Dark Lord” I said and ran up the stairs to my bedroom.

My heart was racing and it felt like it was going to pump out of my chest. I sat on my bed getting my breath back and trying to calm myself down. Getting threatened by the Dark Lord was never a good thing.  However I felt like I had to warn someone on the attack of the school. But if I Did I knew for sure the Dark lord would find out. It’s very hard to get anything past him, and when he found out that it was I. I took a deep breath. He would probably torture me, or worse, kill me. I decided to keep my mouth shut for now. Even if I did tell someone, it probably wouldn’t do much good.  One thing I didn’t know what time next week they were attacking, or how many of the Deatheaters will be involved, I didn’t really know anything about the plan, so It wouldn’t help much at all.

I decided that when Barty goes back to his room I would go see him, but until then I decided I would get some sleep.

I closed my eyes but a knock on my door snapped me out of my thoughts. “Laylah?” It was Draco’s voice coming through my door. I decided not to answer him. “Laylah, if you don’t answer your door I’m just going to come in. I don’t care if your naked or not” I could hear his smirk in his voice at this. I rolled my eyes in disgust ‘Stupid little pervert’ I thought to myself as I knelt down beside my bed. I looked into the darkness under my bed, reaching my hand under. I felt something long, wooden and hard. I smiled to myself pulling the object out from under my bed. I stood up holding my broomstick. It was a Nimbus 2001. Not the newest of broomsticks, but it did the job.

Quickly I headed over to my bedroom window, opening it. I mounted my broom before flying out of my window, which was just large enough for me to fit through.

I flew up into the air above my window and out of sight. A second later I herd my bedroom door being opened and Draco’s annoying voice “Laylah. I know you’re in here”

I smirked and flew up and onto the rooftop of the manor. The sun was high in the sky. I guessed it was around midday. I yawned still feeling like I needed that nap. I stretched out lying on the roof closing my eyes. The sun was so nice and warm on my face. I could feel my mind slipping away into a state of peacefulness.

Before I knew it I was a sleep, my dreams where of Barty.

He was holding me in his arms as we lay together on his bed. I sighed in complete happiness at the gorgeous man who lay beside me. I felt his fingers run down my arm, as butterflies formed in my tummy. “I want you so bad” I moaned to him. He smirks at me leaning in and pressing his lips lustfully to mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck kissing him deeper, as I felt the weight of his body on top of me. I gasped in shock as I felt something hard pressing against the side of my leg.

My eyes shot open instantly. I nearly screamed in horror to see it was Draco, who I was making out with. He was on top of me on the rooftop taking advantage of my sleeping form.

I screamed in anger, pushing him off me in disgust “What the hell do you think you were doing” I screamed at him, getting to my feet.

“Hey, you were the one who said ‘I want you bad’ to me” Draco smirked.

“You know very well that I was a sleep and did not say that to you!” I pulled out my wand steeping closer to Draco. I pointed my wand at his chest. “If you ever touch me again, I will kill you,” I growled at him.

Draco took a step back from me. He picked up his broomstick and mine off the roof, holding both in his hands. He smirked evilly at me before throwing my broomstick off the roof and jumping on his, flying high up into the sky.

“Good luck getting down, Laylah” he laughed

“Draco. You bring me my broom stick, right now” I yelled at him sending a curse his way. He easily dodged it on his broomstick.

“Maybe for another kiss” He yelled down at me with a satisfied look on his face.

“Never going to happen” I sat down stubbornly crossing my arms across my chest.

“Suit yourself”

Draco flew off and out of site. ‘Just great’ I thought to myself. I go to my feet walking to the edge of the roof looking down to the ground. It was a long way down. If I jumped the drop would probably kill me or injure me very badly. I walked along the edge of the roof until I finally came to a metal pole that ran from the guttering to under the ground. This was my only change off getting off this roof. I grabbed onto the gutter as I climbed over the side of the roof. Dangling down, I quickly grabbed hold of the pole. I made a slow decent down the pole.

When I was about a metre from the ground my sweaty hands slipped of the pole. I screamed not knowing how far from the ground I was, as I had refused to look down. Before I could even finish my scream, I hit the ground landing on my bottom.

I stood up rubbing my bottom “ouch that hurt” I said out loud to no body.

I found my broomstick on the grass in the back yard and headed inside. I went straight up stairs. I stopped by Barty’s room on the way to mine. I pressed my ear against his door, but I could not hear anything.

I sighed and headed over to my own room. I was tired and decided I would kick Draco’s butt another time for what he did.

I went over and closed my still open window. It was getting dark outside now. Dinner would probably be still a few hours away. I went over and lay on my bed closing my eyes. I decided to stay awake and listen out for Barty.


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