What A Life ~ Mitzuko

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There's this boy. His name is Koichi. I've known Koichi pretty much since the day I was born, but we haven't really gotten to know each other until this year. I'm lucky enough to be able to walk to school with him everyday. Well, I thought I was lucky until Koichi fell in love with Hikari. He talks about her all the time non stop. It makes me sad because I love Koichi and seeing him love someone else hurts. I guess this is for the best though. I don't have much longer to live anyway.

I'm dying, slowly but surely. I have brain cancer and it's gotten really bad. The doctor said I should have about a year left to live but he said that half a year ago. Even if Koichi were to fall for me it wouldn't do him very good because he'd only lose me. I support him liking Hikari. I want him to be happy. As long as he's happy, I'm happy.

Koichi is the type of boy that goes after what he wants. He doesn't sit there and wait. I guess that's what I like about him so much. Koichi can do things I could never do. I hope he goes after Hikari. I hope they can be together. I know we're only in eighth grade so it might not last, but at least he'll be happy. I want to die with him happy.

Koichi doesn't know I have cancer. Nobody except my family and his parents know. I told my mom I didn't want anyone to know. I don't want them treating me special just because I'm going to die. I want to die a normal girl.

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