Never Love Again

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Two days later still holding on to her newfound attitude towards love Gaby got up that morning ready to purge her house, heart, and mind of all things Derek, starting with all of the things Derek had left at her apartment. Gaby thought about setting all of his belongings on fire as she tossed Derek's suits into a box. Setting his clothes on fire would give her a little bit of satisfaction, but then she didn't want to risk the chance of setting her building on fire and going to jail. Gaby cleared out all of the pictures she had of Derek and tossed them into the box as well.

"You like looking at yourself anyway." She thought aloud as she ripped a picture of her and Derek at a basketball game in half and tossed Derek's smiling face into the box.

Two u-haul boxes later Gaby was a bit winded but happy to see her apartment cleansed from the Derek Virus. Remembering the briefcase that Derek kept in the study Gaby marched into the study which served as wedding central, and her heart dropped when she saw all of the wedding presents she had received from her and Derek's family members. Gaby knew she had to return the awesome gifts she received, and it depressed her, but she went to work anyway labeling the boxes return to sender.


Nick walked into Gaby's apartment, letting himself in with the key she had given him and noticed how quiet it was. Nick had been calling Gaby all day, and he was beginning to worry that she had run away again. As he walked into the living room, he noticed the two large u-haul boxes sitting in the middle of the room.

Is she moving? He thought as he followed the music coming from the study. When he reached the study, he found Gaby sitting in the middle of the floor with her back turned away from the door writing on the boxes.

"Gabs?" he called but no answer. "Gaby?" he called again as he maneuvered between the boxes that were blocking the doorway.

"Gabrielle McNair!" he yelled scaring Gaby, Gaby turned around and frowned at him as she held her chest.

"Jesus Nick you scared me."

"I scared you? I've been calling you all day." Nick said as he turned off the mp3 player dock that was on the floor next to him.

"You have?"

"Yes," Nick said as he stepped over a box he assumed was a microwave given the size, and sat next to Gaby.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm returning all of these gifts. You know it wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to return the gifts. They should let jilted brides keep the gifts. This box here is a personalize Swarovski stationary set." She said holding up the box. "What am I going to do with stationary that says, Mrs. Gabrielle Miller?" Gaby placed the box in the return pile with a sigh.

"Well, you can keep my wedding present, if it will make you feel any better?"

"Just as long as it's something good, and not something crappy like the knitting needles you gave me for my birthday last year." She said with a pout.

"You're still harping about that? I told you it was a joke." Nick said as he got up to search for his wedding gift. After a few minutes of searching, he finally found it underneath Gaby's computer desk.

"What is it doing all the way under there?" Gaby asked as she reached for it.

"I'll give you one guess who." Gaby rolled her eyes knowing that it was Derek's doing. Derek was never entirely comfortable with Gaby's relationship with Nick, and he made no effort to try and hide the fact. Gaby took the box from Nick grinning like a child on Christmas day.

"What is it?"

"Open it and find out." Gaby tore through the paper and gasped.

"Nick you got me the KitchenAid mixer I wanted."

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