The Game Plan

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Nick sat in front of baggage claim as he waited for Isabelle to exit the plane. Nick knew that Gaby would kill him once she found out that he asked her mother to come up to New York and fix things between her and Gaby. Nick felt like he had to do something if not the baby would be born and things would still be rocky between Gaby and Isabelle, both women could be as stubborn as a mule. Nick looked out the window and watched the sky begin to darken, and snow began to fall, the scene took him back to the last time he had seen Madeline five years ago he was saying goodbye.

 "I wish you would come with me," Madeline said as she embraced Nick.

 "I can't just up a leave, my job is here, and Gaby would-"Nick stopped himself as she watched Madeline's demeanor change at the mere mention of Gaby's name.

 "There are thousands of engineering firms in Chicago that would love to have you and pay you more than what Franklin and Hart are paying you." She said as it was announced that her plane was now boarding.

 "If I do go with you, what does that mean for us? Will you marry me?" Madeline shook her head no.

 "Nick you know how I feel about marriage."

 "And you know how I feel about it." Madeline sighed as she tried to keep her tears at bay.

 "So I guess that's it for us?" she asked as her voice wavered.

 "I guess so," Nick said as he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her. Nick couldn't bear to see her leave, so he left before she even got on the plane.

 Nick didn't think he would see her again but when she walked into his office and kissed him all of the old feelings and memories came flooding back to him. He had gotten so caught up in their kiss and wanting to find out why Madeline had returned that he neglected to tell her about his newfound relationship with Gaby, and the baby. Nick knew he should have told her, but he didn't want to ruin their reunion.

 If Gaby finds out about Madeline coming back, she is going to flip.

 "Hello, Nicky." A familiar voice said breaking Nick away from his thoughts, when he looked up he saw his mother smiling at him.

 "Mom what are you doing here?" he asked as he hugged her.

 "Isabelle asked me to tag along, and I figured what the heck I have nothing else to do and Thanksgiving is next Thursday and since I haven't gotten an invitation to spend Thanksgiving with my son and soon to be daughter-in-law I gave myself the invitation," Paige said placing her hands on her hips. Nick slapped himself on the forehead.

 "Mom I'm sorry I forgot about Thanksgiving and Gaby hasn't said anything about it since everything that happened."

 "Mmmhm I know," Paige said with pursed lips.

 "Now where is that woman?" Paige asked as she searched for Isabelle who had finally caught up with her.

 "You're so slow Isa."

 "You practically ran off the plane Paige, and you forgot your purse," Isabelle said as she handed the bag to Paige as she shook her head.

 "I wanted to see my Nicky," Paige pinched Nick's cheeks causing his face to turn bright red.

 "Mom we talked about this, you cannot still pinch my cheeks like I'm six, I am a grown man."

 "I know you are and you're about to make me a grandma, I told all of the women at my book club. Why haven't I received a sonogram picture, people are starting to think I'm making it up."

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