Gaby Goes to Tuscany

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"Are you sure it's okay for you to fly?" Nick asked as he helped Gaby pack her bag.

"Yes Nick I'm sure, I had a very lengthy conversation with Dr. A about it, and she said its fine since I'm still in the early part of the third trimester," Gaby said as she tossed a pair of leggings into the suitcase.

"I don't think I want you to go now?"

"Too bad, you should have taken off, that way you could have come with me," Gaby said as she rolled her eyes and neck.

"You know I can't-"

"-Yeah, yeah let's not get into that again," Gaby said as she turned her attention to the basket of clean clothes on the bed that needed to be folded. Gaby pulled out Nick's collared shirts so she could iron them.

"Are you taking the cuddle me, so I forget about my fiancé and take up half the bed pillow?" Nick asked as he shot death rays at the curved body pillow.

"Stop staring at my pillow like that," Gaby said as she stroked the pillow like it had feelings. "Yes I'm taking it, and it's your job to find a way to fit it into the suitcase."

"There is no way its fitting; I can barely get the rest of your clothes in it," Nick said as he pressed down on the pile of clothes for emphasis.

"Fine, I'll just have to make it my carry on."

"Do you really need it?"

"Yes, it gives me support while I sleep, especially if I'm sleeping alone." She said rolling her eyes as she filled the iron with water. Nick watched as Gaby iron his shirt he swore it was the funniest thing he ever saw in his life. Gaby had to iron bent over, so her protruding stomach didn't tip over the ironing board, and as she ironed up and down her butt wagged side to side. Nick went into a laughing fit.

"Nicholas Gregorio if you don't stop laughing at me you're going to have a really hot conversation with this iron," Gaby said as she held up the iron, and Nick cleared his throat.

"I'm sorry honey but if only you could see yourself. It wouldn't be so funny if you weren't wagging your ass like a tail."

"I can't help it; I think it's like some type of countermeasure."

"I don't know, but it's something," Nick said as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her cheek.

"It's times like these that make me wish that I was taller," Gaby said shaking her head.

"I don't think that would help, you would just be tall and huge," Nick said with a chuckle as he rested his chin on the top of her head.

"Okay enough of this you're going to make me cry, and then I'm not gonna want to go, but Nonna is expecting me," Gaby said breaking away from Nick's grasp.

"I'm not doing anything," Nick said with a smirk, and Gaby shook her head. Nick wasn't trying to hide the fact that he didn't want Gaby to go but he knew it would probably be the last getaway she would have until sometime after the twins were born. After Nick managed to fit Gaby's pillow into the suitcase and Gaby finished ironing his shirts for the two weeks she would be gone, Nick packed the car, and they left for the airport.

"I told you being pregnant has its perks," Gaby said as she walked through security. A security guard had pulled her and Nick off of the line and checked them in herself.

"You're telling me, you're like the kid with the broken arm at the amusement park," Nick said with a laugh as they walked to the terminal.

"You're parents are meeting you in Richmond right?"

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