The Question

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"So how did he take the news?" Lauryn asked as she handed Gaby a plate with a slice of carrot cake on it.

"Do you remember that night Nick played the lotto and he could have won if he had just listened to me and used my numbers?"

"Yeah, he just spaced out for like twenty minutes?"

"Yeah, well that's exactly what happened," Gaby said before she placed a forkful of cake into her mouth.

"Are you serious?"

"Very, he just zonked out and then when he finally came to he started to freak out. I couldn't take it anymore, and I just sent him home."

"Sweetie, I'm sorry, are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine it could have been a lot worse. I'm just disappointed, I was hoping he would have handled it a little bit better. I know this is a big thing and it's a lot to process especially with everything that is going on between us." Gaby devoured half of her cake before she continued. "I was just looking for a little reassurance, you know? I wanted him to say that everything was going to be okay and that no matter what we would get through it."

"I know sweetie, I know." Lauryn gave Gaby's hand a comforting squeeze. "It's just different for men; they can't get all excited when they know that the life they accustomed to will be over in nine months."

"I can say the same thing for myself."

"Aren't you supposed to be having lunch with Nick?"


"Well then get going it's almost twelve now," Lauryn said as she stood up and took Gaby's half-eaten cake away from her.

"But I'm not finished with that," Gaby whined.

"Yes you are, now go." Gaby rolled her eyes as she slid out of the booth and grabbed her coat and purse.

"I'll call you tonight," Lauryn said as Gaby walked towards the door, Gaby responded with a wave before going through the exit.

When Gaby arrived at the restaurant, Nick was waiting for her outside.

"Don't worry I'm not going to comment on the fact that your twenty minutes late," Nick said as he took Gaby's hand in his and led her away from the main entrance.

"Okay, so I won't even bother to give you an excuse. The restaurant is back that way." Gaby said as she pointed behind her.

"I know, just relax," Nick said as he held open the door for her to the party dining area. Nick could tell that Gaby wanted to ask him a million and one questions.

"Just go inside, and I will explain," Nick said nudging her inside. Gaby walked inside and looked around the room. The room was lit with natural light, and there was only one table that was set.

"I figured we didn't need to be surrounded by people while we had our conversation," Nick said as he took Gaby's coat and hung both their coats up on the coat rack.

"So you rented out the whole room when we could have just had our food delivered to your house?"

"Gabrielle please, I'm trying to make up for my behavior yesterday. I know you're mad at me but can you just hear me out." He asked her with pleading eyes.

"I'm not mad at you. I'm a little disappointed but not mad." Nick took Gaby by the hand and sat her at the table.

"I'm sorry I disappointed you," Nick said as he took his seat. Gaby knew that she had hurt his feelings, but she was just telling him how she felt.

"It doesn't matter Nick, what's done is done. What I want to know is what do we do now?"

"I want you to move in with me," Nick said with a smile, Gaby's eyes stretched as she stared at him.

"Gee that didn't take you long."

"I've been thinking about it for a while now, especially after know."

Gaby could see how nervous Nick was. She realized that he was putting himself out to be rejected, and Nick didn't handle rejection well.

"I think we should take our relationship to the next level. I'm not talking marriage or anything like that, but if you want me to marry you, I will."

"Nick this isn't nineteen-forty-five, and you don't have to feel like your obligated to marry me because you knocked me up." She said with a laugh as the waiter walked into the room. Gaby and Nick placed their orders and the waiter left to gather up their drinks and appetizers.

"Are you sure you should be having all of that spicy food?" Nick asked

"I'll probably pay for it later, but I want it, so it doesn't really matter,"  Gaby said with a shrug, and Nick shook his head.

When the waiter came back with their appetizers and soda, Gaby dug into her food with very little finesse.

"Here you need to try this," Gaby said holding up a blackened shrimp to Nick's lips.

"You're not gonna stop until I taste it right?"

"Right," Gaby said as she waited for Nick to take a bite. Nick bit into the shrimp and Gaby ate the other half.

"I told you it was good."

"What am I going to do with you for the next six months filled with crazy pregnant lady hormones?" he asked, and Gaby laughed.

"I don't know; you're the one who wants me to move in with you."

"You still haven't given me your answer."

"Answer to what?" she asked as she wiped her mouth.

"I want to know if you will move in with me." Gaby took a sip of her soda and stared at Nick for a minute.

"If I move in with you what does that mean?"

"It means that we are committed to raising our child together and if something happens to blossom from it like a romantic relationship then so be it."

"You've really thought about all of this just last night?" Gaby asked, and Nick shook his head yes.

"So what will it be Gabs?" Gabrielle looked into Nick's eager eyes as she chewed on her nail as she tried to figure out what to tell him.

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