The New York Bachelor

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Nick sat in his office staring out the window when Ian walked into the office and sat across from Nick.

"Yes, Ian?"

"It's Friday night, and your womanless what are we doing tonight?" he asked and waited eagerly for his answer.

"I was planning on going home and getting some much-needed sleep," Nick said simply, Ian's smile dropped as he shook his head.

"Hell no, it's Friday night we're eligible bachelors we're going out and getting wasted."

"I really don't feel-"

"-go cry on someone else's shoulder, Nick, I'm going to be at your house at nine be ready," Ian said cutting him off.

"I'm not going to change your mind am I?"

"No," Ian said as he walked out of the office all Nick could do was shake his head because he knew that Ian would just pester him until he got his way.


Nick peeled his face off of his leather couch cushion as he was slapped with a pounding headache. Bits and pieces of last night's festivities flashed across his mind as he sat up and accidentally kicked Ian in the back, Ian only responded with a grunt. Nick tried to remember what happened after they left some club Ian had raved about but everything was a big cloud of haze. Nick staggered into the bathroom next to his office and ran water across his face which was red and swollen.

I look like death warmed over.

Nick tossed open the medicine cabinet in search of some medicine but remembered Gaby had stockpiled all of the medication in the master bathroom. Nick groaned at the thought of having to go up the stairs, but with a groan, he walked up the stairs. After popping a couple of pills, the house phone began to ring, and Nick decided to let it go to the answering machine.  Once he heard Gaby's voice, he rushed to pick up the phone.

"Hey, Gabs," Nick said as he cleared his throat.

"Hi, how's the hangover?" Gaby said a little bit too loud and made Nick cringe.

"Hangover, what hangover?"

"Don't play dumb Nick, you told me you were going out with Ian and I know when you and Ian get together you always wake up the next morning with a hangover."

"I can't get anything over on you can I?"


"I don't know how I will survive when we get married," Nick said and quickly began to curse himself out mentally as soon as the words left his mouth. There were a few second of silence before Gaby said

"Sorry Nick I dropped my phone, what did you say?"

"Oh, nothing." He said letting out a sigh of relief.

"Eat some of my saltines and drink lots of water you will be okay."

"Thanks, doctor, how is L.A.?"

"It's beautiful out here I just wish I had time to go shopping."

"You don't need to shop you just went shopping."

"Listen, buddy, as my waistline is growing as we speak, so my wardrobe needs to expand as well." She said, and Nick could imagine Gaby rolling her eyes as she said it.

"Fine Gaby," Nick said shaking his head.

"Go take care of your hangover, and I will call you tonight I guess. Tell Ian I said hi."

"You just made his week you know," Nick said with a chuckle.

"I know."

After Nick got off the phone with Gaby, he hopped in the shower and dressed before checking on Ian who was now sprawled across the couch.

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