Things Left Unsaid

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Gaby pulled nervously at her hair as she sat across the table from Derek, who was on the phone with his office. She knew that she shouldn't be sitting down and having dinner with the man that broke her heart but she needed answers...real answers. When he finally hung up the phone he looked at Gaby with concern on his face.

"Gabrielle are you okay, you look nervous?"

"I'm not nervous, I'm perfectly fine." She said giving him a weak smile."I'm so glad you made time to have dinner with me, I was beginning to think you were avoiding me."

"I would never do that, I've just been busy," Derek said as he patted her hand. "Speaking of busy I looked over the revised contract and everything looks good to go for the next book."

"Great, I'll come by the office and sign everything," Gaby said as she sipped at her raspberry flavored water. They sat in silence for a few minutes before Gaby said

"Dinner was delicious wasn't it?"

"Yes, it was. Did Nick give you the box I sent you?"

"Yes, well I tripped over it, but I got it, thank you." Gaby shifted nervously in her seat before continuing "I read the letter you never mailed."

Derek's eyes widened as she looked at her with surprise on his face.

"You weren't supposed to get that; it must have gotten mixed up  with the rest."

"It was beautiful."

"I meant every word," Derek said without looking at Gaby.

"What about now?"

"Does it matter?"

"No, but then again it does, if you felt the way you did then why aren't we married now?" she asked as she tilted her head to the side and studied him.

"I already told you."

"I know, but I don't buy it for one second, I know how I felt about you and reading that letter allowed me to see how you felt about me, why give it up over something that to me didn't make any sense. Nick wasn't a factor in any of this, throughout our whole relationship it was all about you, I never put Nick over you, and you know it."

"Gaby let's not get into it right now."

"Why not?"

"Because it's not the time or place."

"It never is the time or place with you Derek. I need to know why you didn't marry me."

"Because Gaby you're a child." He said causing Gaby to sit back in her chair and stare at him.


"You're a child Gaby."

"I thought our age difference didn't bother you." She said softly.

"It didn't look at first but Gaby I'm thirty-seven you're only twenty-eight you still have growing up to do. I love you, but you just don't fit into where I want to go in my life I can't afford to be stuck running behind my child for a wife. I need someone who is more mature and well rounded and who has a real career."

"Oh so now my writing isn't a career."

"Gabrielle you write cheesy mystery novels for desperate housewives to entertain themselves with." Gaby felt her temperature rise as she fought to keep the tears from welling up in her eyes.

"Is that what you really think?" she said as she tried to keep her voice from wavering.

"Yeah it is, it's always been that way I just tolerated it because I thought it was cute and was hoping that it was just a phase you were going through and you would go to school as we had planned."

Gaby swallowed the lump at the base of her throat and let out a short breath.

"I didn't want to tell you that, but you insisted," Derek said as he sat back in his chair with his hands wrapped around each corner of the table.

Gaby didn't know whether she believed what he was saying or not but in the end it really didn't matter, her life with him was over.

"Well if that's the case it really wouldn't matter to you if Nick and I got married them." Derek's jaw tensed to the point his cheek twitched.

"No, not at all." He said through clench teeth. The tension between Derek and Gaby was so thick that the couple at the table next to them could feel it and was staring at them. Their staring match was broken up when the waiter arrived with their bill. Derek settled the bill, and Gaby hailed a cab home. When Gaby got home she scolded herself mentally for not listening to Lauryn when she told her not to have dinner with Derek; the dinner left her hurt and confused. Gaby picked up the phone and called Nick.

"Hey, baby I was getting ready to call you. How are you?"

"Okay." She said softly.

"Are you sure?

"Yeah, how's Tokyo?" she asked as she stretched out on the sofa.

"Oh, you know same old, same old. I'm just glad things between us aren't like the last time I was here." Gaby smiled as she thought about how far they had come.

"Yeah so am I. I miss you so much, and it's only been two days."

"I miss you too...Gaby are you sure you're okay?" Nick asked knowing that something was wrong.

"Am I mature?"


"Do you think I'm mature, you know act my age." Nick laughed.

"Yeah, you're real mature alright." He said sarcastically.

"Nick I need an honest answer?" Nick sighed; Gaby could imagine him running his finger through his hair.

"Come on Nick your taking too long to answer."

"I'm thinking."

"What's to think about, it's a yes or no answer?"

"Well I would say no by the way you're acting now, mature people have patience," he said with a laugh.


"Okay Gabs, Jesus I'm only playing....yes Gaby you are very mature. Of course, you have your moments when you throw your temper tantrums like a five-year-old but who doesn't. Does that answer your question?"

"I guess so."

"Gabs I have to go I have a meeting in an hour, and I still have to get dressed. I love you."

"Love you too." Gaby hung up the phone and tried to push all of the questions floating around in her mind away.

 Ugh Gaby what did you get yourself into?

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