Happy Birthday Nick!

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 "Don't take this the wrong way man." Ian said as he handed Nick a file.

"What's up Ian?"

"When are you going home?"

"Tired of me already?" Nick asked with a smirk.

"Of course not I just want to know how much longer you're going to try to ignore Gaby so I know how much time I have to steal her from you." He said with a grin.

"Really Ian?" Nick asked shaking his head.

"Hey another man's headache is another man's solace."

"Did you just make that up?"

"I've been working on it for a while." Ian said with a shrug.

"Hmm that's pretty good....leave Gaby alone."

"I make no promises." Ian said as he walked out of the conference room that they were using as an impromptu office space as they negotiated the Atlanta contract. Nick sighed as he picked up his phone and checked to see if he had missed any calls from Gaby but there was nothing.

"Happy Birthday Nick," Madeline said as she walked to the room with a huge grin on her face and a box full of gourmet cupcakes in hand.

"You remembered?"

"Of course I remembered." Madeline said as she handed him the box. "I got your favorite red velvet and carrot."

"Thanks Maddie." Nick said as he took one a red velvet cupcake out of the box and bit into it, it tasted like sawdust. Nick tried to keep a straight face as he swallowed the horrible excuse for a cupcake.

"These are the best gluten, sugar, egg free cupcakes ever." Madeline beamed.

"Yupp," Nick mumbled as he grabbed his bottle of water and guzzled it down.

"I'm surprised Gaby didn't come down with you being that it's your birthday and all."

"She's spending time with her mother."

"Oh I see." Madeline said as she rolled her eyes.

"Ian and I are taking you out for dinner I know this great Moroccan place; I know you're going to love."

"You don't have to do that, we can order takeout since we have so much work to do."

"Nonsense we are taking you out and that's final." She said as Ian walked in.

"Alright ladies we have a revised copy." Ian said handing Nick and Madeline the revised contract and once Nick started to read it he knew they were going to be there all night.


"Gaby will you please slow down," Isabelle begged as she trailed behind Gaby who was rushing to get back to the car.

"Can't, we have to get going. How could I forget, I'm such a horrible person." Gaby said as she slid into the driver's seat of her mother's SUV and waited for her mother to get into the car.

"You can't beat yourself up about it; it was early in the morning."

"I've never forgotten his birthday; I will not be able to sleep if I don't see him." Gaby said as she pulled out of the parking lot.

"What's wrong with just calling him?"

"It keeps going to voicemail."

"It'll take us at least 7 hours to get to Augusta; we won't get there until about 8 with perfect traffic conditions."

"You can stay home if you want but I'm going." Gaby huffed.

"Yeah like I'm going to let you go by yourself and worry about you the whole time, because I know you're a speed daemon."

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