In The Morning

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Gaby woke up the next morning to an empty bed, and an overwhelming urge to kick her behind for not telling Nick about the baby last night. Gaby could hear Nick talking in the opposite room as she rolled on to her back with a stretch as memories from last night flooded her mind.

She didn't know what their relationship would be like, but she did know that it would never be the same again. Gaby brushed her teeth before taking a quick shower when she walked out of the bathroom Nick was walking into the room.

"What's wrong?" Gaby asked when she noticed the aggravated look on his face.

"Nothing, breakfast is ready."

"Oh boy, was last night such a mistake you're trying to kill me with your cooking?"

"Ha-ha very funny," Nick said as he pulled Gaby into him. "I told you last night wasn't a mistake." He said as he ran his fingers through her hair.

"Where do we go from here?" Gaby asked.

"How about we do breakfast first, and then take it from there."

"That'll work." Nick gave her a quick peck on the lips before leaving her to get dressed. Gaby tossed on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt and went into the kitchen. Gaby surveyed the food as she sat down at the table.

"Why didn't you make the regular bacon?" Gaby said with a frown as she picked up and a slice of turkey bacon.

"Because it's not good for you," Nick said as he started to read the Times.

"Egg whites, turkey bacon, no OJ, and wheat English muffins without apple butter. You're killing me, Nick."

"No, I'm doing the opposite actually," Nick said not even looking up from his paper. Gaby frowned as she made herself an English muffin sandwich. Gaby tore a piece of her muffin away and nibbled on it.

"Hmph what good is it being pregnant if you can't eat what you want?" she grumbled. Nick tensed up, and Gaby slapped herself on the forehead with the heel of her head as she realized what she said.

Damn it, Gaby you know how to deliver news.

"What did you just say?" Nick asked as he peered over the newspaper.

"Umm nothing?" Gaby said as she bit into her sandwich.

"No, you said something that was it?" Nick said as he placed his paper down.

"I said that you're killing me?"

"No after that."

"Um..." Gaby's eyes shifted around the room as if she was waiting for some distraction to appear out of thin air.


"I said what good is it being pregnant if you can't eat what you want."

"I thought that's what you said." Gaby chewed on her thumb nail as she watched Nick get up from the table and walk out of the kitchen.

Uh-oh, this is not good at all. Gaby thought as she let out a long sigh.

Gaby gave Nick a few minutes to himself before she followed behind him to the living room. Nick was sitting on the sofa looking like a deer caught in headlights.

Oh, great I made him lose his mind. Gaby thought as she sat down next to Nick and placed her hand on his knee.

"Nick?" Nick looked at Gaby and blinked.

"Nick you gotta snap out of it," Gaby said as she snapped her fingers in front of his face, but there was no change.

"Okay, Nick we'll just sit here until you're ready to talk," Gaby said as she folded her legs underneath herself and sat back. After five minutes of sitting, Nick sank back into the seat and let out a groan.

"This wasn't supposed to happen." He said as he covered his face with his hands.

"Yeah tell me about it," Gaby said as she looked at Nick with her arms folded across her chest.

"I always figured we'd have one night of drunken passion filled sex, that was a given," Nick said as he turned his head and looked at Gaby. Gaby raised her eyebrow at his statement but decided she wasn't going to comment on it.

"I didn't think that it would be on your wedding night and that you would get pregnant."

"Neither did I, but how do you know if this kid is yours." Nick sat up and turned his body towards Gaby.

"You slept with someone else?" Nick said not even trying to hide the jealousy in his voice.

"I haven't slept with anyone else, but I'm just saying. You didn't ask any questions you just assumed."

"Oh shut up Gabrielle, now is not the time for you to try and pick a fight."

"Hmph whatever," Gaby said as she got up and grabbed her laptop from her bedroom.

"What are you getting ready to do?" Nick asked as Gaby walked back into the room.

"I have an idea for a new book I need to write it down."

"You got inspiration from my meltdown?"

"Yes, I did," Gaby said with a smile as she flipped her laptop open. "I've known about this for almost three months, I did my freaking our already, and now it's your turn."

"That is just so kind of you."

"I know," Gaby said as she typed away. "When you're done with your  moment, we need to discuss how we're going to tell our parents."

"Shit, do we have too?" Nick said standing up.

"Uh yeah, they are going to know something is up when I'm walking around looking like the Goodyear blimp!" she exclaimed.

"Your father is going to fucking kill me," Nick said as he paced back and forth. "I need a drink." He announced.

"Sorry I gave all of my liquor to Rhonda, I like her better when she's drunk," Gaby said as she put her glasses on and looked up at Nick who suddenly looked like he hadn't slept in ten days.

"Nick, go home and get yourself together."

"No I'm okay we need to talk some things out."

"Tomorrow is another day. You look like you're about to jump out the window, just go home. We'll have lunch or something tomorrow." Gaby said, and Nick shook his head in agreement.

"Your right, I'll call you later," Nick said as he bent down and kissed Gaby on the forehead before leaving. Gaby let out an exasperated sigh as she shook her head.

"Well, that could have gone better, or worse for that matter." She thought aloud as she read through the ideas she had typed out.

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