One Night With the Devil

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Madeline smiled at herself after applying her lipstick and admired herself in her vanity mirror.

"You look absolutely stunning," Penelope said as she stood behind her daughter.

"Thank you mother," Madeline said looking up at her mother's reflection.

"You're such a beautiful young woman I don't understand why you're so stuck on that man."

"I told you already, it's because he's the one," Madeline said as she stood up and smoothed her emerald green dress with a thigh-high split. Her brunette hair done up in an intricate bun.

"I feel like tonight is going to be the night." She said almost squealing with excitement.

"What makes you so sure?" Penelope asked as she took her daughter's place on the chair.

"Well, I will have you to know that Nick isn't very happy with his current....situation."


"Yes, Stewart told me that while he was in New York, he looked absolutely miserable."

"He is probably just tired from all of the traveling."

"No, I'm telling you he's miserable. He should have never gotten married to that-that woman, if you can even call her that." She spat out.

"She is just making his life miserable, and those little brats don't help. If only he listened to me and came here with me."  She said as she strapped on her gold stilettos.

"Everything is such a mess." She said softly as tears stung her eyes.

"Don't cry you will ruin your make-up," Penelope said as Madeline grabbed a tissue from her vanity table and dabbed her eyes.

"I just want him back already; I should have never left without him."

"You really love him don't you?" her mother asked as she looked at her daughter with compassion filled eyes.

"I do, more than anything. It's hard knowing that he chose someone else over me and Gabrielle at that. That woman is such a pain in my ass."

  "I know sweetheart, but you should really think about if this is what you want. He comes with baggage sweetheart."

"I know what to do with baggage don't worry about that, by the time I get finished with Nick he'll forget all about his family." Penelope opened her mouth to speak again, but she knew that there was no changing her daughter's mind.

"Have fun tonight darling," Penelope said before leaving the room. Madeline was grateful for her hasty exit; she needed the time to go over her plan for seduction. If tonight went her way, she would have Nick eating out of the palm of her hands.

When her limo arrive she tried hard to contain her giddiness, the doorbell rang and Madeline dashed to the mirror in the hallway and looked over herself before opening  the door and was greeted by Nick's smiling face. Madeline notice his reaction as he looked her over, he was practically drooling over her.

"You look amazing," Nick said smiling at her.

"Thank you, and you look handsome." She said as she admired Nick in his tux, his face clean shaven, and hair freshly cut.

"Thanks," Nick said as he offered her his arm as they walked down the stairs.

"You don't know how happy I am that you made it back in time for the gala, the place is going to be packed with important people."

"I know," Nick said as he helped her into the limo.

"I have been to hundreds of these things, but I still get nervous."

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