Until It's Gone(Part 1)

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Madeline woke up from her peaceful slumber to her cell phone ringing. Through her blurry eyes, she saw that it was Nick calling her. Madeline pushed the talk button and cleared her throat.

"Nick, what's wrong?"

"She...didn't ...show up." He slurred.

"Huh? Who didn't show up Nick? Are you okay?" she asked as she sat up in the bed.

"I-I-I need you to come get me," He stammered.

"Where are you?" Madeline asked, and Nick struggled to tell her where he was. After a few failed attempts Nick handed his phone to the bartender who told Madeline where he was. Madeline dressed quickly and was out of the house within five minutes to get to Nick. When she arrived at the hole in the wall bar, Nick was half asleep in a booth.

"Nick what did you do?" she asked as she ran her fingers through his hair.

"Hey, Maddie." He said lazily as he tried to stand up and fell back down. The bartender came over and helped Madeline with him.

"He isn't a lightweight how long has he been here?" Madeline asked as they struggled to get Nick into Madeline's car.

"Since 5 I think." The man said. Madeline remembered that it was almost 3 in the morning when she left her house; she didn't want to think about what the alcohol was doing to Nick's system. After the bartender and Madeline managed to squeeze Nick into the back of her car Madeline took Nick back to his hotel room.

"Just lean on me I got you," Madeline said as she wrapped her arms around Nick's waist as they walked to the elevator. When they reached his room door, Madeline waited for him to produce the card key.

"Where is your key?"

"I don't know." He said with a shrug. "You wanna look for me." He said giving her a boyish grin as he pulled her hand to his back pocket. Madeline rolled her eyes and searched his pockets until she found the key and opened the door. They stumbled into the room, and Madeline helped Nick to his bed where he fell onto, half of his body resting on the floor.

"You always were a sloppy drunk," Madeline mumbled as she struggled to toss his legs onto the bed and pulled off his shoes. Madeline found sodium bicarbonate tablets in the bathroom, and she fixed Nick a glass of water and tossed two pills into the water.

"You need to drink this," Madeline said shoving the glass into Nick's flaccid hand. Nick took a sip of the water and groaned.

"It tastes like tar."

"It does not now drink it," she commanded, and Nick flopped onto his back before sitting, and he downed the rest of the water before handing the empty glass back to Madeline.

"What's going on Nick, you never let yourself get this wasted," Madeline said sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Well...my wife doesn't love me anymore...my kids barely know me...and the only thing I have to show for this promotion will be court papers for child support and alimony," Nick said as he grabbed a pillow and buried his face into the cool material.

"You know what don't worry about that tonight, you just need to sleep this off, and you will be okay. Everything will work out for the best I promise." Madeline said as she pat his arm.

"You're such a good friend," Nick said smiling at her. "Why aren't you married yet?"

"You know the answer to that Nick."

"That's right I forgot you think that marriage is a waste of time, I'm beginning to agree with you," Nick said before letting out a loud belch, the next thing Madeline knew Nick was scrambling off of the bed and headed for the bathroom.

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