Seven Days Without You

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Lauryn walked into the dark house and closed the door gently behind her. She called out to Gaby but didn't get an answer. Lauryn checked the kitchen and living room before going up to the bedroom to find Gaby curled up in the center of the bed with a towel wrapped around her body and hugging her body pillow.

 "Gaby get up,"

 "No thanks," she mumbled

 "We have things to do; you've been sulking all week. Sulking is not going to bring Nick back."

 "Apparently neither is begging for forgiveness," Gaby said as she turned on her side her back facing Lauryn. It had been a week since the fight and Gaby only saw Nick once when he came back into the house late that night to pack a bag before leaving without a second glance at Gaby.

 "What do you mean?"

 "I went over to Ian's place last night and he wouldn't even come to the door." She said with a sniffle.

 "Aww, I'm sorry honey," Lauryn said as she sat on the edge of the bed and stroked Gaby's hair. After a few moments of silence, Lauryn stood up.

 "Okay that's enough sulking, we have things to do, people to see, get up." When Gaby refused to move Lauryn pulled Gaby's legs until half of her body was hanging off of the bed.

 "Get up let's go Gaby."

 "Okay fine."

 Gaby dressed while Lauryn read the letters that had started the whole mess.

 "These are sweet, but I still don't understand why you went to talk to that man," Lauryn said as she tossed the letters in the bathroom trash can.

 "That's what you should have done with them."

 "I know,"

 Lauryn and Gaby grabbed breakfast from Dunkin' Donuts before meeting with the contractor to discuss the plans for the nursery.

 "Hi, Mrs. Gregorio how are you this morning?" Luis asked as she shook Gaby's hand.

 "I'm fine Luis, "Gaby introduced Lauryn as they sat down at the table.

 "Your husband took care of all of the extensions this morning, all you have to do is pick out the colors and the wood borders."

 "Well wasn't that nice of him," Lauryn said as Luis handed her a book of color swatches.

 After two hours of flipping through color swatches and wood panel books, Gaby had enough for one day once she finally came to a decision she let if alone and tried not to over think her choice. Lauryn dragged her out of the office before she could get a chance to change her mind.

 "So Mrs. Gregorio where to next?" Lauryn asked as they got in the car. "That has a nice ring to it...Mrs. Gabrielle Gregorio." Lauryn said testing the name out; Gaby had to admit she did like the sound of it.

 "Nick made the first appointment as Mr. and Mrs. Gregorio he said he wanted to test it out. I guess the test drive is over."

 "Oh please." Lauryn said rolling her eyes "You know Nick won't be mad at you for too long, he is too much in love with you. I have to say I like this new Nick though; he's all putting his foot down and what not." Lauryn continued, and  Gaby rolled her eyes.

 "You know I'm right before you could probably get away with slapping his mother and he would make it her fault."

 "That's not true."

 "Yeah okay, go lie to someone else." Lauryn said dismissively. After a little bit of shopping Lauryn dropped Gaby off home and told her to hurry up and fix things between her and Nick before leaving.

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