I Miss You Now

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"I'll call you when I land, and I'm taking the donuts," were the last words Nick said to Gaby two months ago. Gaby ran her tongue across her bottom lip; she could still feel his lips pressed against hers. Gaby tried picking up the phone to call Nick but she never found the courage, and once Nick never called her she decided that she wouldn't call. Now she regretted that decision because there were a lot of things she needed to talk to him about.

"Ms. McNair?" the receptionist called causing Gaby to come back for the recesses of her mind. Gaby looked up at the receptionist who smiled at her.

"He will see you now."  Gaby followed the receptionist to the office, and she opened the door for her. Gaby thanked the woman and walked inside to find Derek standing behind his desk with a mix of confusion and fear on his face.

"Hello, Derek," Gaby said with a smile on her face.

"Hi Gabrielle, you look good."

"Thanks." She said as she took a seat across from Derek. Gaby often thought about when she finally saw Derek again and how she would automatically beat him to a pulp, but  now it wasn't the case. Somehow it just didn't matter anymore and all Gaby wanted to do was close that chapter of her life for good.

"You know I'm upset that it took me coming to your office for me to get to see you after you ran out on our wedding."

"Gaby I am sorry about that," Derek said sitting down at his desk, he was tempted to take her in his arms and repent for causing her so much pain, but it wouldn't do either of them any good.

"Yeah I'm sure you are, I know I am. I could have saved a whole lot of money. Eight thousand dollars I spent on that dress." Gaby said as she rolled her eyes.

"I know." Derek could barely look at her and Gaby loved every minute making him squirm.

"Look I didn't come here to berate you or anything. I don't want to know why you ran, and honestly, it really doesn't matter anymore." She said as she dug into her bag.  "I just came to give you back this." Gaby held up the 4-carat princess cut diamond engagement ring Derek had given her when he proposed to her on her birthday. Derek came from around his desk and took the ring from Gaby.

"Gaby you don't know how many times I've tried calling you to explain."

"I told you I don't really want-"

"Please, Gaby you have to let me say this."

"Fine," Gaby said folding her arms across her chest as she waited for his explanation.

"I didn't run because I didn't love you, I do love you, I still do, but it just didn't feel right. I tried to shake it off to just cold feet, but it wouldn't go away. I just knew that if we got married we would end up making each other miserable and you deserve better than that."

"How do you know that for sure, you never gave our marriage a try?"

"Well for one there is Nick," he said, and again Gaby rolled her eyes. "I know you kept saying that I didn't have to worry about him but he's in love with you Gaby, everyone can see it except you." Gaby furrowed her eyebrows as she tried to see Derek's point.

"And I know you love him; I should have never let things go as far as I did."

"I like how everyone is telling me how I feel about Nick; he's my best friend that's it."

"Do you remember that night I invited Nick and his girlfriend Stacy to the firm's charity ball last December?"

"Yeah, I remember."

"When you and Nick danced together, I saw this look in your eyes that I had never seen before and you only look at Nick that way. No matter how I tried to spin it, I knew we could never truly be happy. I couldn't be married to someone who wasn't as in love with me as much as I was in love with her."

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