The Countdown

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"Let me see it," Madeline demanded as she walked into Stewart's office.

"Down girl, it's not going anywhere," Stewart said as he dangled the contract in the air and Madeline grabbed for it but missed when Stewart pulled it out of her reach.

"Come on Stewart stop playing, let me see." She said giving him a pretty pout and Stewart relented. Madeline snatched the contract out of his hand and flipped to the last page, and a wicked grin spread across her lips as she fingered Nick's signature.

"I still don't see how you're going to get him back; he's married."

"Not yet anyway," Madeline said as she read through the contract.

"Yes he is, Nick and Gaby got married almost two weeks ago, that's why he took off last week," Stewart said as he swayed his chair side to side.

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah I am, he told me a few hours ago, he has a ring and everything. Don't you think maybe you should just move on it appears he has."

"No, he hasn't he just thinks he's moved on. Once he gets to Chicago, I can show him all that he's missing, and he'll know that marrying Gabrielle was a big mistake." She said as she tossed the contract on to Stewart's desk and sat on the edge.

"And Gaby is just going to give him up without a fight, that chick is feisty."

"I already know how I'm going to deal with her," Madeline said flicking her hair back, and Stewart stared at her as his face became serious.

"Madeline, you're not planning on doing anything you could go to jail for are you?" Madeline smiled at Stewart and laughed.

"Of course not Stewart, why would I do anything to jeopardize my future with Nick?" Madeline straddled Stewart's lap and kissed his lips.

"I believe I have my end of the deal to fulfill." Madeline cooed as she unbuttoned Stewart's shirt.

"Don't you think we should lock the door."

"Nope, it'll add to the excitement," Madeline said as she nipped at his throat, as Stewart's hands traveled up her skirt to find her bare behind. Stewart looked at her with intrigue.

"I always come prepared; you should know that by now."

"You're telling me," Stewart said, and he picked her up and carried her to his sofa and began to undress her.


"Hey lovebird, how are you doing?" Lauryn asked as she sat on the bed net to Gaby and hugged her.

"I'm great, how are you, and how's my Randy."

"He's fine, look at you, you're practically levitating."

"I know I'm just so freaking happy." Gaby beamed.

"I can tell," Lauryn said with a laugh. "Happy for you, so have you know," Lauryn said as she wiggled her eyebrows and Gaby rolled her eyes.

"We can't I'm on bed rest remember," Gaby said and Lauryn cringed.

"Oh yeah...sorry,"

"I feel so bad; this wasn't how I envisioned us starting out married life. Heck, the last time I envisioned married life it was with another dude, and I didn't plan on sleeping with my best friend on our wedding night."

"I know sweetie, but after the twins get here, the wait will be over."

"I have a feeling that a sexless marriage will be the least of my worries, I've been reading this book The Joys of Giving Birth, and I am scared shitless. Have you seen the ladies on A Baby Story, they look like they become possessed. It's not good, not good at all." Gaby said shaking her head.

"Are you sure it's not just dramatized for television?"

"I don't know; I don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' no babies," Gaby said, and the women cracked up with laughter.

"You are so crazy Gaby."

"I'm serious I don't."

"Well, what has auntie told you about it?"

"She keeps telling me not to worry about it that when the time comes my body will tell me what to do, and that I'll be surrounded  by her and medical professionals to guide me through."

"Are you having an epidural?"

"Heck yeah, I tried to convince them to hook me up to a morphine drip too, but when I thought about it, I really wouldn't want my babies to be drugged up like that. That and Dr. A said no."

Lauryn laughed at her cousin; she could tell that Gaby was genuinely nervous about giving birth and she didn't blame her, heck she was nervous for her.

"You'll be fine sweetie," Lauryn said patting her hand.

"In three weeks time, we will see," Gaby said with a sigh.

When Nick came home that night, Gaby was nose deep into a baby care book eating peanut butter from a spoon.

"Gaby peanut butter? You hate peanut butter." Nick said as he tossed his tie across the chaise and slid into bed.

"I know but I've been craving it all day, mom had to tell me what I was craving," Gaby said as Nick kissed her cheek and then planted two kisses on her stomach.

"How are you feeling? Did you have any more of those contractions?" Nick asked as he rubbed her stomach.

"Just one more after the first one this morning. I walked a little bit, and it eased."

"They don't hurt do they?"

"No its just more uncomfortable than anything," Gaby said as she eased herself off of the bed.

"Where are you going?" Nick said as he grabbed her by the wrist.

"To the other bathroom, the bassinets came today I want to wash them down before they go into the nursery."

"Do you have to do it now?"

"Yeah, they can't stay in the bathroom it's not fair to mom and dad."

"Just wait a minute I have to talk to you," Nick said pulling Gaby to the chaise and pulled her into his lap. Gaby could see that something was bothering him.

"What's wrong?" she asked as she kissed his forehead.

"I have to go to Chicago to thin out the staff next week, but I don't want to leave you so close to your due date." He said and waited for Gaby's response.

"I know baby, but this is something you have to do even though I think Madeline can do it all by her evil self, but I understand."

"What if you go into labor while I'm there, I don't want to miss the birth of our children because of my job."

"Then I'll hold em in until you get back." She said with a smile. "Right guys?" she said patting her stomach. The worry line at the center of Nick's forehead deepened, and Gaby sighed.

"Nick there is nothing we can do about it now."

"I can give up the promotion."

"Don't even think about it, you deserve that promotion. I'm not due for another three weeks; it will only take you a few days to get things situated in Chicago right?"

"That's the plan."

"Then we should be fine; I'm not expecting anything else to go wrong with this pregnancy so don't you start with the bad vibes."

"I'm not expecting for things to go wrong, but it's a possibility we have to think about."

"We thought about it, and I said don't worry about it. Now stop being a worried old grump everything will be fine." Gaby said with such finality that Nick had no choice but to believe her.

"Now let's go we have bassinets to wash."

"You mean I have bassinets to wash while you just sit there."

"Whatever works for you," Gaby said with a laugh as she pulled him out of the room.

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