A Second Chance

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James had just gotten off the phone with Nick who was on his way to Madeline's house. James and his men had searched the house for any clue as to where Madeline would take Gaby. Agent Fortune suggested that they look at the list of properties that Madeline's family had owned, most of the properties were sold off except for a house in Lake Forest which was about thirty minutes away.

 "I have every patrol officer on duty looking for that car your son-in-law got into; I just hope for his sake one of them finds him." Agent Fortune said as they got into their SUV and James agreed.  James didn't need Nick trying to play hero and get himself hurt; there was no telling how unstable Madeline was.

"James I think you should let me take the lead on this one," Fortune said as the sped through the city streets, sirens blaring.


"Because you're too close to this, I don't want you to do anything stupid."

"She's my daughter Alex I won't do anything to put her in further harm."

"I know that I love Gaby like she was my own, I want her safe just as much as you do. Trust me to do my job." Alex said.

"Okay fine you can take charge," James said as he ran his hand down his face knowing that his friend was right. There was no telling what James would do once they arrived.


Nick was on pins and needles as Stewart weaved in and out of traffic to get to the house. He was holding onto the door handle so hard that his knuckles turned white. After Stewart pulled off the parkway and sped past a few houses before coming to an old cottage house sitting on top of a hill; the property was gated off, but the gate was open. Nick's heart began to race as they sped up the winding pathway to get to the house. Gunshots filled the air grabbing the men's attention. Nick could see a Madeline standing over Gaby's body; Nick got out of the car before Stewart could completely stop. Nick charged at Madeline as his rage took over and he tackled Madeline knocking the breath out of her. Madeline laid on the ground in a daze.

"If you hurt her I will kill you!" he bellowed. Nick was ready to strangle the life out of her, but Stewart pulled Nick off of Madeline.

"I got her Nick, go to your wife," Stewart said as Nick shot daggers at Madeline before scrambling over to Gaby who was about a foot away. Gabrielle was laying face first in the grass, and he could hear her struggling to breathe.

"Oh God Gaby, please be okay." He said as he turned her over and cradled her in his arms. Her body radiated heat, her face and neck were swollen, and she had broken out into hives as if she had been stung by a bee.

"Gaby wake up." He said as he touched her face brushing dirt from her face. "Please baby wake up," Nick said as he shook her, Gaby's swollen eyes fluttered open and focused on his face, and she smiled weakly at him.

Nick felt something wet and sticky on his shirt. When he looked down, he noticed that Gaby was bleeding.

"Gaby I need you to stay with me, baby." Nick pleaded as he laid her back down on the grass and pulled his belt off; he wrapped it around the wound that had blood seeping from it. Nick could hear sirens off in the distance.

"Gaby open your eyes, I need you to open your eyes." He pleaded as he cradled her again. Gaby's eyes opened against, and he stared into her hazel eyes which were usually bright and full of life, now they were dull as if life was leaving her.

"I love you." She rasped.

"I love you too baby, don't try to talk just breathe," Nick begged as Gaby touched his face.

"I'm sorry." She squeaked.

"Sorry for what? You have nothing to apologize for; I'm the one who's sorry." Nick said

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