Thanksgiving Aftermath

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"I can't believe you fainted, who does that?" Nick's friend Ian said as he leaned back in Nick's chair and propped his feet up on the desk.

 "I know, I know I wish I can take it back but I can't. I don't know what happened; once I heard the word twins, my mind just started to race. Double diapers, double the bottles, double the crying and screaming, late nights, early morning, college tuition." Nick said as he plopped down on the sofa.

 "Oh my God, college tuition for two kids in the next eighteen years I'm going to be homeless," Nick said as he buried his face in his hands.

 "Relax Nick it won't be that bad," Ian said as he collected the darts on Nick's desk and began to toss them at the dartboard on the opposite wall.

 "How do you know Ian you don't have any kids."

 "And I probably never will now that my future wife is having your twins." Ian huffed, and Nick just shook his head.

 "You just know how to make everything all about you. This has nothing to do with you."

 "It has everything do with me, you're my friend, and you stole my wife," Ian said, and Nick laughed

 "Gaby barely knows you exist, Ian, how do you expect her to marry you, and why are you in my office lounging around like it's yours."

 "You chair is more comfortable than mine," he said with a shrug, and Nick rolled his eyes as he sat up.

 "So how did Gaby take it?" Ian asked as he tossed a dart which missed the board altogether.

 "She's not talking to me."

 "I don't blame her; maybe I should go over there and comfort her."

 "She's not into you Ian, let it go." Ian scoffed as he sat up in the chair.

 "Go ahead and sleep on me, your gonna wake up one morning to find her gone and in my arms. I can't wait until she finds out Madeline is back, you're going to be up shits creek." Ian said with a laugh.

 "She may be back at the firm, but she's not back in my life."

 "Somebody needs to tell her that. She walks around here like she owns the place and  you."

 "Why do I even talk to you?" Nick asked more to himself than Ian.

 "Because I'm your frat brother and who else is going to keep it real with you here?"

 "You have a point," Nick said shaking head as he grabbed a file off of his desk.

 "We better hurry up so we're not late for this meeting." He said grabbing his suit jacket from the back of his chair and pushed Ian from the chair.

 When Nick got home later on that night, Gaby was in the bedroom folding clothes.

 "Gaby I told you I would do the laundry," Nick said as he unbuttoned his shirt.

 "I needed clothes so I can pack," Gaby said without looking up from her work.

 It's going to be a long night. Nick had become accustomed to the icy silence that fell over the house after Thursday night. Nick just sighed and headed towards the bathroom. When he was finished with his shower, Gaby had just finished folding the clothes and was in the closet trying to find her suitcase which was in one of the many boxes Gaby had yet to unpack.

 "Do you need some help?" Nick asked as he dressed.

 "Nope," Gaby said while she was waist deep in a box.

 "Gaby please give me a break. You're leaving this week to go on your book tour; we don't need this little rift between us to last until you come back."

 "Too bad," Gaby found her suitcase and walked out of the closet and dropped it on to the bed.

 "Gabrielle stop this madness." Gaby just rolled her eyes as she started to pack her bag.

 "Gaby!" Nick bellowed as he turned her around to face him. "If we're going to be in a relationship then you're going to have to talk to me, and stop ignoring me." Gaby's only response was a blink.

 "Oh my god Gaby you're so stubborn," Nick said letting her go.

 "Forgive me if I'm not acting the way you want me too, but you didn't act the way I wanted you to when I told you about the twins."

 "I'm sorry I was just overwhelmed." Gaby placed her hands on her hips, and Nick knew he was in for it.

 "You were overwhelmed? Oh, excuse me I'm sorry I overwhelmed you! If you're overwhelmed, then I don't know what the hell I am. I'm freaking out of my mind, I just got used to the fact of one kid, but now I got two on the way. Both of which I have to push out, and my only voice of reason passed out on the floor when I told him but I'm sorry you're overwhelmed." Gaby said tossing her hands up in the air as she walked away. Nick just sat on the edge of the bed with a sigh.

 I guess that means I'm on the futon again tonight.


 Friday morning Gaby was up early gathering her things and was waiting for her publicist Sasha to pick her up so they could go to the airport when Nick came down the stairs.

 "So you're just going to leave without saying goodbye?" he asked.

 "Maybe." She said as she tossed her muffin away. Nick pulled Gaby into him and ran his fingers through her hair.

 "Don't leave mad at me, I don't want to spend two weeks with you mad at me."

 "I'm not mad at you anymore."

 "You know we're gonna be okay right?"

 "Yeah," Gaby said as she hugged him. The doorbell rang, and Nick went to open the door for Sasha.

 "Hey Nick, where is my bestseller?" Sasha asked as she walked into the house her honey-colored eyes lit with excitement.

 "In the kitchen,"

Sasha went into the kitchen while Nick put Gaby's bag in the car.

 "Once we get to L.A. I'll set up an interview with the L.A. Times," Sasha said as she walked out of the house talking into her Bluetooth. Nick went back into the house and helped Gaby put her coat on.

 "Do I need to let Sasha know not to overdo it?" he asked as he wrapped Gaby's scarf around her neck.

 "No, I'll be fine."

 "Auntie Ice is meeting you in L.A. right?" Nick said as the worry line on his forehead began to show.

 "Yes Nick, stop worrying I will be fine."

 "I know you will." Gaby wrapped her arms around Nick's neck and kissed him goodbye.

 "I take it we're cool?"

 "Yeah, we're cool," Gaby said as she wiped her lip gloss off of Nick's lips. Nick escorted Gaby to the car and helped her get in.

 "Sasha take care of my girl," Nick said pointing his finger at her.

 "I got her Nick; you forgot she pays my rent."

 "Is that all I am to you, one big fat check?" Gaby said with a pout.

 "Of course not sweetie," Sasha said patting her knee. Nick shook his head and kissed Gaby cheek.

 "Behave yourself."

 "I should be telling you that Mr. Gregorio. I'm sure your gonna have your frat brothers over, just don't turn my house into bachelor pad central."

 "Oh, now it's your house?"

 "Yeah, once I moved in, it became my house."

 "It's always been your house I just occupied it with all of the time you spend in it."

 "Okay, you two lovebirds we're on a tight schedule. Just say goodbye, I'll bring her back I promise." Sasha said cutting into the conversation.

 "Don't hate Sasha," Gaby said rolling her eyes.

 "Be safe you two, and call me when you land," Nick said before the women drove off.

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