A month

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Sonic p.o.v

It's been a month since I have been normal again, during that time I remembered everything that had happened when I was a toddler. I might be normal again, but everything else isn't. Shadow was been over protective every since and even Silver has been following me at times. I can't do anything without them there. I mean I know why and I don't mind them but at times it can get to much. Since then Shadow, Silver and I got a house and we share the rent.

At the moment I'm in my room, I told Amy I would take her to the movies, she has changed too, she isn't a stalker anymore and I might have a crush on her. I know my brothers will be downstairs so I crawled down the steps and carefully look, they are sitting on the couch talking.using my speed I zoom behind one of the couch and peck from the side, they are gone. "Were?" I asked under my breath.

I feel a hand wrap around my mouth and pull me back. I look up and see Shadow and Silver with a smirk on there face "why are you sneaking around?" Shadow asked me. I licked his hand, making him take it off my mouth and make a face "eww".

"None of your business" I mumbled and got up to leave. "Don't make us follow you" Silver warned. I signed "guys I'm just going to the movies!! I'm not going to die!!" I explained. I got a idea "aww but I didn't know y'all cared" I said making a kissy face and opening up my arms "give me a kiss" I teased walking towards them. Shadow pushed my face away with his hand "ew just go" he said.

I smirked before zooming out of the door, to Amy's house. "Hehe got them" I said with a chuckle.

If you haven't read the first book I recommend you do and thx everyone that supported my last book and wanted this sequel. Let me know what you think.

Here we go again (book 2) sequel to kid problemsWhere stories live. Discover now