The movies

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Sonic p.o.v

I arrived at Amy's house and she opened the door "hey Ames ready?" I asked as she grabbed her purse "yes" she said as I picked her up bridal style and ran to the place.

We got there and I put her down, looking around for anyone that might have followed, aka Shadow and Silver, I still hadn't gotten back the pictures he send to the whole world. Amy brought me out of my thoughts "hey Sonic can we see that one?" She asked pointing to the new Star Wars movie. "Sure" I said as I order the tickets, and payed for it.

We walked in and sat down in the middle of the seats. During the middle of the movie Amy had her hand near me. I looked at it 'should I hold her hand?' I thought looking at the movie then back at her. It was the sad part of the movie, so I reached my hand out to hold hers, but as I did a popcorn kennel came flying at super speed and hit my hand, burning it a little. "Ouch!" I yelled moving my hand and at the same time I spilled my Coke I had in my other hand all over my lap. "Cold!" I creamed as I jumped up.

A police officer came in and grabbed me by the arm, "sir you are being asked to leave" he said as he pulled me out of the place "but it wasn't me!" I explained but he pointed out. Amy came and we let together "sorry Ames" I said as we walked back, people laughed as they passed by. "Why are they laughing?" I whispered to Amy.

She looked me head to toe before giggling "you look like you went to the restroom" she bursted out laughing. "Huh?" I asked as I look down , and sure enough I had a big wet spot all over my lower body. My face heated up and I tried to cover it with my hands. Amy laughed more "sorry Ames I have to go" I said as I made a run for home, but half way there I was hit by something and went flying.

Pain flowed true me as my back hit a tree and I fell down. With shaky arms I pushed myself up and looked up to see Eggface "I'm not in the mood egghead" I said as I was about to get up, but he put a robot foot on me and pushed me down, pining me to the floor. He then got off the robot and walked towards me with a needle.

"No" I whispered as I tried to get up "don't you dare touch me!" I warned him. He just smiled and bent down to be eye level with me "sorry my dear hedgehog" was all he said as he took the needle and put it in my arm. I screamed as I felt my whole body burn. The pressure went away that was on my back and I quickly made a run for it, not caring about anything else.

My eyes were blurry and I finally reached the house, I opened the door and Shadow and Silver were siting there. It couldn't see their faces good but the minute I walked in they screamed my name as I lost balance as I took a step and passes out. I felt one of then catch me in their arms before my eyes closed. The last thing I remember was them screaming my name.

*dramatic music* lol well there is the second chapter yay

Here we go again (book 2) sequel to kid problemsWhere stories live. Discover now