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Tears rolled down his cheek as he destroyed what was left of the base, with his glove Shadow cleaned off some tears from his face, sniffing slightly, eyes full of tears and anger. His hands formed into fists as he growled lowly "Scourge is going to regret that" he growled louder, red stripes turning black slightly as he ran home.

Shadow walked in the house, head down.his Crimson eyes scanned the area, Silver was sitting with a sleeping Manic besides him and Scourge had just walked in from the kitchen. He growled and lunged at him, pinning him to the wall by his neck "S-stripes! W-wait!" He shuddered out, struggling against the strong grip of the very angry hedgehog.

Silver quickly ran up "Shadow! Stop calm down S-" he was cut off by Shadow yelling "how dare you show your face here after you did! You took away the only person I cared about besides....M...." He stopping as tears rolled down his face "I'm going to destroy you!"

His eyes traveled from the scared face of Scourge to his leg as he felt someone tug on it. Crimson eyes meet with widened Emerald eyes, "not now Sonic, I'm bus- Sonic?!" He dropped the green one that was running out of air.

A smile formed on his face as he picked up the toddler and hugged him close, tears of joy running down his face "but how?!" He asked nuzzling the laughing toddler. Scourge coughed and got up, rubbing his neck "I....I couldn't do it....and that scream well...." He turned to his side, showing a patch of his arm was burned slightly.

Shadow looked down "I'm sorry Scourge I shouldn't have acted like that..." The green one smiled slightly and nodded. Shadow smiled as Sonic poked his cheek "as for you....I'm sorry for yelling at you and don't ever go away again" he smiled more, hugging the toddler closer.

"Are you smiling Swadow?" The toddler laughed


"Yes you are"

"Nope" he chuckled and tickled the blue toddler "hahhaha stop! Swadow!!!!"

There you have it! P.s I love comments btw *wink wink*

Here we go again (book 2) sequel to kid problemsWhere stories live. Discover now