The end of it all?

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Smoke....smoke was all that lifted from the one in movement...

Slowly Mephiles walked around, amusement gleaming off his eyes as he scanned the area "....stupid collar snapped off, meaning I don't have control." He paused as movement was heard. Looking over as snake like orbs landed on Crimson ones, a blazed and dark. Meph chuckled lowly, a beaten and passed out blue hedgehog laid on the ground, his blood pooled around him. "What a Just got him back to normal and he died, by your own ha-!" He was cut off with a sharp punch to his face, followed by a beam of light that can blind any living thing. Shadow growled and walked out of the smoke, his rings laying on the ground after the chaos blast.

Meph chuckle lowly and looked up at him, amused before his eyes widened, Shadow screaming something as he held up a small vessel, that slowly sucked up mephiles, trapping him inside it.

Shadow stayed quiet as the place fell still, his Crimson orbs lowered and gleaming with range, slowly he padded over and fell to his knees, gently rolling the blue ones cold body over, making sonic lay on his back "...Sonic?..." He whispered, tears slowly forming in his eyes.

Shadow punched the ground, cracking it as slowly someone ran in behind him, screaming "I found you!.." Golden eyes paused at the view and fell quiet, lips parted, he slowly walked closer, a cup of coffee in his hands "....but...he can't be..."

Shadow stayed quiet, Silver slowly sitting next to him.

Slowly Silver lifted his hand over the body, holding some sand, he quietly opened his hand, but it was smacked away before he was allowed to sprinkle the sand on him.


"What are you doing?!"

"...burying him..with sand"

"You stupid kid, you will not put sand on him!"

"What if he likes sand?!"

"...please I'm trying to rest geez you two"

They both froze at the voice, shadow having his hands around Silvers neck, the young one grunting and having his foot on the dark ones cheek, coffee now spilled all over him . They both looked down as Emerald orbs slowly opened, dull but alive "you can't get rid of me that easy.."

The other two blinked before they screamed at the blue one and jerked him into a hug, scolding him over and over.

The blue one laughed softly "aw come on pap" he teased, shadow blinking at him "....don't call me that I feel old.." Shadow chuckled softly before sonic smirked "okay old man!" He squealed and ran away, Shadow screaming and running after him. Silver slowly bursted out laughing and watched them, grinning with pride as he slowly lifted a picture, staring at it.

Shadow was sitting on the couch, eyes wide and cute as he held a small bundle in his arms, the toddler sonic giggling happily, the dark one smiling back softly and warmly for once....but it would not be the last time...for now Shadow the hedgehog had learned to love once more..and have a family....

THE END!!!!!!!!

Hehehhe oops that's all folks!

Here we go again (book 2) sequel to kid problemsWhere stories live. Discover now