Not a update

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Hey guys I have some very bad news.....

I won't be able to update any of my stories anymore, I'm moving soon, and where I'm going I won't have wifi for a few months. And even after the wifi over there is very expansive and slow, so I don't be able to get on and update.

I'm very sorry about this, I'm even crying right now....I just want to thanks everyone for everything, especially 3 people that have always been here for me

That is crimson_shadikku , thx Shadie for everything, I don't want to make you cry so just thx for everything and I'll miss you very much

gayjelly , thx josy, for dealing with my weirdness and everything. Stay happy, I know you and Baka will be fine, tell her I'll miss both of y'all very much.

And the last person doesn't have wattpad, but it's Baka ^^

I'm going to miss everyone one of y'all, and again I'm very sorry I can't finish my books, please forgive me.

Mar out

Here we go again (book 2) sequel to kid problemsWhere stories live. Discover now